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Economic Research Service
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Description: Includes data on wheat acreage in the U.S. and abroad and shipments, including flour, from principal exporting countries. Also included are cash prices, including the weighted average per bushel, and foreign wheat crops. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: flour, grain crops, rye, and wheat Latest Release: May 21, 1930 May 21, 1930: Foreign News On Wheat Release datetime: May 21, 1930 -
Description: This publication includes data on U.S. farm prices of eggs, turkeys and chickens and the various factors affecting production from 1910 to 1935. In 1937, this data was included under the new publication titled the Poultry and Egg Situation. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Sep 15, 1935 Sep 15, 1935: Poultry and Poultry Products Release datetime: Sep 15, 1935 -
Description: This publication was published between 1930 and 1936. It reported on wheat and rye production, domestic and foreign market prices, and prospective supply and utilization of domestic supplies. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: flour, grain crops, rye, and wheat Latest Release: Oct 31, 1936 Oct 31, 1936: World Wheat Prospects Release datetime: Oct 31, 1936 -
Description: This publication reported on the wool prices in domestic and foreign markets from 1930 to 1936. Principal world markets are identified in each release and the import and export quantities are noted. Supplies and consumption trends are noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed Keyword: wool, wool industry, woolen fabric, and yarns Latest Release: Nov 30, 1936 Nov 30, 1936: World Wool Prospects Release datetime: Nov 30, 1936 -
Description: This publication was published between 1931 and 1939. Following the conclusion of its publication in 1939, data reported in this report was included in the Poultry and Egg Outlook and Situation report. The number of hatchings, total egg production, number of laying flocks, egg prices and prices of chickens, and storage stocks of poultry meat are included in these reports. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Nov 6, 1939 Nov 6, 1939: Poultry and Egg Outlook Release datetime: Nov 6, 1939 -
Description: Includes data on number of annual turkeys raised, supply of hatching eggs, cost of production (including feed prices), storage stocks, supplies of other meats, and the production intentions for the coming year. This annual publication stopped in 1940. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: poultry and turkeys Latest Release: Mar 18, 1940 Mar 18, 1940: Special Outlook Report for Turkeys Release datetime: Mar 18, 1940 -
Description: This publication was published between 1942 and 1946. Included in each release is data on the number of livestock produced, slaughtered and sold, and the production and prices of wool. Relevant government actions, such as changes to inspection of certification, are also noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed Keyword: food animals, livestock and meat industry, and wool Latest Release: Dec 6, 1946 Dec 6, 1946: The Livestock and Wool Situation Release datetime: Dec 6, 1946 -
Description: This publication reported on the estimated farm real estate debt in the United States, as reported by major lender groups and the Farmers Home Administration. Total outstanding amounts due are broken down by state and region and presented in a table by principal lender type. All available archived copied of this publication are included here. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm, farm business debt, and real estate debt Latest Release: Aug 17, 1961 Aug 17, 1961: Farm Real Estate Debt Release datetime: Aug 17, 1961 -
Description: The Vegetable and Pulses Outlook was formerly titled The Vegetable Situation (VGS) from its inception in 1937 through 1987. As the Vegetable and Pulses Outlook does today, the VGS report provided current intelligence and forecasts on changing conditions in the U.S. vegetables and pulses sector. Each report highlighted a range of data products and reports on vegetable and pulse markets including domestic supply, demand, trade, and prices. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: economic outlook and situation, prices, storage time, vegetable crops, and vegetables Latest Release: Oct 20, 1962 Oct 20, 1962: The Vegetable Situation Release datetime: Oct 20, 1962 -
Description: Liability and Insurance Projection for farmers who have income-Producing recreation facilities. Preface: As a source of side income, some farmers near cities are providing recreational facilities for the use of fee-paying guests. Additional liability is involved. The ordinary personal liability or farmowner policy does not cover these income-producing recreational facilities. It covers only the basic farm operation. A farmer needs additional insurance on the side activities. This report dis... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm budgets, farm capital, and insurance Latest Release: Jun 6, 1963 Jun 6, 1963: Liability and Insurance Protection Release datetime: Jun 6, 1963 -
ERS Dairy Situation
Description: This publication reported on cow numbers, milk production, prices and income and other data related to dairy products. Trends, including price drops and dairy exports are also noted. All available archived reports are included here, from 1931 to 1969. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: butter, cheeses, cream, margarine, milk, and world markets Latest Release: Mar 14, 1969 Mar 14, 1969: Dairy Situation Release datetime: Mar 14, 1969 -
Description: Current feed grain data are available from the Feed Grains Database on the ERS website. The interactive database contains data on U.S. acreage, production, supply, trade, use, and prices for feed grains (corn, sorghum, barley, and oats) and limited data for hay and some feedstuffs (wheat mill feeds, rice mill feeds, etc.). Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: grains, acreage, supply, oilseeds -
Description: This report was part of a continuing nationwide study of costs and returns on farms and ranches by type and size in some of the important farming regions of the United States. Reports covered Commercial Dairy Farms, Corn Belt Farms, Egg-Producing Farms, Broiler Farms, Cotton Farms, Tobacco Farms, Wheat Farms, livestock ranches and more. Summary statistics for all types of farms are presented in annual reports from 1962 to 1972. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural budgeting, farm assets, farms, livestock, and ranching Latest Release: Aug 14, 1972 Aug 14, 1972: Farm Costs and Returns Release datetime: Aug 14, 1972 -
Description: This publication reports on the status of outstanding loans to farms nationwide. It details the farm mortgage debt held by major lenders such as the banks, life insurance companies, and individuals, the fluctuations in farm mortgage debt between 1955 and 1973, and contributing factors such as the Farm Credit Act of 1971 and the changes in land values. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: debt to asset ratio, farm debt, loans, and mortgages Latest Release: Sep 17, 1973 Sep 17, 1973: Farm Mortgage Debt Release datetime: Sep 17, 1973Temporal coverage: 1910-01-01 - 1973-01-11 -
Description: Preliminary monthly estimates of farm income by groups of commodities. Includes income from farm marketings and the report on monthly receipts from the sale of principle farm products. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm assets, farm budgets, farm capital, and government payments Latest Release: Sep 23, 1974 Sep 23, 1974: Farm Income Situation Release datetime: Sep 23, 1974 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1959 and 1974 and reported on agricultural economics for countries and regions around the globe. Each release covers supply, demand, trade, the current situation, outlook, and many noteworthy economic events for the country or region. The content of this publication is similar to content included in the more recent publication titled International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook Reports. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural forecasts, exports, imports, international trade, and world markets Latest Release: Oct 11, 1974 Oct 11, 1974: Foreign Agriculture Situation and Outlook Release datetime: Oct 11, 1974 -
Description: A report with commentary about both foreign and domestic demand, wholesale prices, prices received and paid by farmers, farm income and labor, and commentary about demand and prices for a variety of crops important to U.S. Agriculture. This report was known as The Price Situation prior to 1937. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agriculture, economics, farm budgets, farms, and prices Latest Release: May 9, 1975 May 9, 1975: Demand and Price Situation Release datetime: May 9, 1975 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1942 and 1975 and reported on the costs associated with transporting, processing, distributing and marketing farm foods across the United States. Different costs for at-home and away-from home food purchases are included and other price spreads (such as farm-retail spread) for several topics important to farms and farm families are included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: food advertising, retail marketing, and transportation Latest Release: Aug 28, 1975 Aug 28, 1975: Marketing and Transportation Situation Release datetime: Aug 28, 1975 -
Description: This publication was published from 1973 to 1976 and was formerly a supplement to the Agricultural Finance Review. It reported on data pertaining to, or related to, the financing of agriculture in the United States. Estimates of total farm real estate debt, commodity credit corporation loans and interest and money rates were also included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agriculture, farm business debt, farm capital, insurance, and property insurance Latest Release: Jul 1, 1976 Jul 1, 1976: Agricultural Finance Statistics Release datetime: Jul 1, 1976Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 1975-01-01 -
Description: From 1937 to 1976, this publication reported on statistics for the production, acreage, prices and outlook for fruit crops, including apples, grapes, peaches, pears, cranberries, strawberries, avocados, nectarines, oranges, grapefruit and lemons. Tree nuts, including almonds and walnuts, are also included in this publication. All available archived releases have been made available here. Prior to 1937, the Fruit and Vegetable Situation (FVS) reported on the fruit statistics covered in this pu... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Nuts Keyword: economic outlook and situation, fruits, and nut crops Latest Release: Sep 18, 1976 Sep 18, 1976: The Fruit Situation Release datetime: Sep 18, 1976 -
Description: This publication reports on the estimated taxes levied by State and local governments. Estimates were derived from a nationwide survey conducted in the spring and summer of 1976, with more then 37,000 farms sampled. Special assessments on improvements such as drainage, irrigation and weed control are excluded where possible. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm budgets, state government, and taxes Latest Release: Mar 11, 1977 Mar 11, 1977: Farm Real Estate Taxes Release datetime: Mar 11, 1977 -
ERS The Farm Index
Description: A monthly publication that offered readers news, projections, insight on agricultural events or policy changes, and other information important to people involved with the economics of agriculture. Price reports, consumer trends, rural education initiatives and shifts in the American lifestyle were reported. The Farm index was published from 1962 to 1979. In 1980, material previously covered in the Farm Index and the Agricultural Situation was combined under a new title, Farmline. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: economics Latest Release: Dec 13, 1979 Dec 13, 1979: The Farm Index Release datetime: Dec 13, 1979 -
Description: This publication, produced between 1971 and 1980, presented an overview of the chemicals, general use, production, prices, imports and exports of different types of fertilizers in the United States. Each release also included an outlook for the coming year for both national and foreign markets. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: fertilizer analysis, fertilizer application, and production costs Latest Release: Dec 24, 1980 Dec 24, 1980: Fertilizer Situation Release datetime: Dec 24, 1980 -
Description: Aquaculture Outlook and Situation was published between 1980 and 1982 and covered the supply and sales of catfish, trout, crawfish and other aquaculture. In 1982, Aquaculture Outlook and Situation ceased publication and beginning in 1983, material previously reported under this title became part of the Livestock and Poultry Outlook & Situation report. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Aquaculture Keyword: aquaculture farms, aquaculture industry, catfish, crayfish, and trout Latest Release: Apr 20, 1982 Apr 20, 1982: Aquaculture Outlook and Situation Release datetime: Apr 20, 1982 -
Description: This publication reported on trends in the export markets, including drops and inclines for specific commodities. Forecasts for coming years are included in each report. This archive contains only the data from 1982. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural forecasts, foreign markets, and international trade Latest Release: Aug 11, 1982 Aug 11, 1982: Agricultural Exports Release datetime: Aug 11, 1982 -
Description: This publication was published between 1937 and 1982. It covers factors affecting the poultry and egg industries, the number of chickens, hens and other poultry raised, slaughtered and sold, and the number of eggs produced. The content of this report was previously published under the titles the Poultry and Egg Situation and the Poultry and Egg Outlook. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chicken breeds, eggs, hens, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Aug 27, 1982 Aug 27, 1982: Poultry and Egg Outlook and Situation Release datetime: Aug 27, 1982 -
Description: Effective November 1982, this report became the Livestock and Poultry Outlook and Situation, reflecting its merger with the Poultry and Egg Outlook and Situation. It was published under the title Livestock and Meat Outlook and Situation from 1947 to 1982 and reported on factors that affected the livestock industry and the consumption and sale of hogs, cattle, sheep and lamb. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: cattle, livestock and meat industry, and swine Latest Release: Oct 6, 1982 Oct 6, 1982: Livestock and Meat Outlook and Situation Release datetime: Oct 6, 1982 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1937 and 1982. Data on the supply and demand for oil seeds, including soybeans, cotton, flax, peanut and sunflowers, is charted and prices per unit are listed by line item (i.e., baking; margarine; salad oil; other edible). Category: Crops and Crop Products:Oil Crops Keyword: fats and oils industry and oil crops Latest Release: Oct 9, 1982 Oct 9, 1982: Fats and Oils Situation Release datetime: Oct 9, 1982 -
Description: Reports in this series analyzed the forces that were changing agriculture and agricultural trade in selected regions and trade areas from 1978 to 1983. Analysis includes short- and long-term projections for supply, and trade of key commodities in the selected areas. Reports span large regions such as Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia, the former Soviet Union and can be as large the entire Western Hemisphere. Once this publication ceased production, its contents were included in the publication F... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: economic outlook and situation, exports, imports, international trade, and supply Latest Release: Aug 18, 1983 Aug 18, 1983: World Agricultural Situation Release datetime: Aug 18, 1983 -
Description: This publication was produced from 1983 to 1985 and covered the uptake and practice of pesticide application, energy supplies and use, and machinery on farms. Publication ceased in 1985. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural machinery and equipment, agrochemicals, energy use and consumption, and farm capital Latest Release: Aug 1, 1985 Aug 1, 1985: Inputs Outlook and Situation Release datetime: Aug 1, 1985 -
Description: This publication from 1985 reported on the estimates of farm land values based on data provided by farmers throughout the U.S. Real estate value and farm income are included, with a special map depicting the change in average value of farm real estate per acre by state. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: cash rents, farm area, farm assets, and real estate assets Latest Release: Aug 6, 1985 Aug 6, 1985: Agricultural Land Values and Markets Release datetime: Aug 6, 1985 -
Description: This publication reports on the use and availability of cropland for current and future production, by acreage. Data is available by crops or by region and divided by cropland for crops, cropland for pasture and cropland in fallow. All available issues of this publication are made available here. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: cover crops, cropland harvested, cropland planted, fallow, and pasture management Latest Release: Sep 6, 1985 Sep 6, 1985: Cropland Use and Supply Release datetime: Sep 6, 1985 -
Description: This publication ceased production in 1986 and was published between 1981 and 1986. Factors affecting poultry industries, such as feed prices and droughts, are included, as well as trends and forecasts across several livestock industries, including hogs and cattle. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Specialty Animals and Animal Products Keyword: cattle, eggs, livestock and meat industry, poultry, and swine Latest Release: May 5, 1986 May 5, 1986: Livestock and Poultry Situation Outlook Release datetime: May 5, 1986 -
ERS Tobacco Industry
Description: This dataset, which mirrors the tables in a 1998 Agricultural Economic Report on the U.S. Tobacco Industry (AER No. 589) provides information on the production, supply, trade, disappearance, and prices for tobacco and tobacco products, 1950-87. Includes acreage, yield, and production by type, 1950-87, and selected data on world production and trade. Tables include cigarette consumption and production, government revenues, U.S. output, growth statistics, and production by region. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: cigarettes, production economics, products and commodities, smoking (food products), supply chain, and tobacco Latest Release: Mar 1, 1988 Mar 1, 1988: Tobacco Industry Release datetime: Mar 1, 1988Temporal coverage: 1950-01-01 - 1987-12-31 -
Description: Comprehensive data on the U.S. broiler industry including data on consumption, prices, and demand; production; processing; and marketing. Last publication October 1988; Most data in this series cover 1965-87. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: industry and prices Latest Release: Oct 1, 1988 Oct 1, 1988: U.S. Broiler Industry Release datetime: Oct 1, 1988Equipment software: Lotus 1-2-3 worksheets uploaded here are nearly identical in format and content to the corresponding tables in the related report. -
Description: This magazine was published from 1978-1990 and contains nontechnical, general interest articles and historical data on food supply, food demand, food prices, and food spending. The articles report on ERS analyses and insights on a wide variety of topics related to the U.S. food marketing system, including food consumption, food product development, international food trade, food safety, and food-related policies and programs. Issues published between 1978 and 1990 are accessible here. Issues ... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agricultural policy, agriculture, consumption (economics), marketing, and prices Latest Release: Jan 1, 1990 Jan 1, 1990: National Food Review Release datetime: Jan 1, 1990Temporal coverage: 1990-01-01 - 1990-12-31 -
Description: Comprehensive data covering production, supply, consumption, prices, and sales of floricultural and environmental horticultural products, covering the period 1960-88. Includes U.S. and State data and world trade data. Was last published July 1990. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: floriculture, horticulture, prices, sales, and supply Latest Release: Jul 1, 1990 Jul 1, 1990: Greenhouse and Nursery Statistics Release datetime: Jul 1, 1990Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 1988-01-01 -
Description: This microcomputer program is designed to analyze operating costs for six sizes of beef packing and fabricating plants for five levels of operating output. The program tabulates total costs as well as costs by each of 20 operating stages and by accounts and subaccounts. PACKER90 is programmed for and is run from BASICA (or other compatible BASIC interpreter). PACKER can be used with a single 360K disk drive, but a fixed drive is preferable. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures and Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: beef, beef industry, livestock, livestock and meat industry, meat packing plants, and packing house Latest Release: Sep 1, 1991 Sep 1, 1991: Beef Packer Cost Analyzer Release datetime: Sep 1, 1991 -
Description: This archived dataset does not contain recent data or information. It includes U.S. beet and cane sugar statistics, including sugar production and consumption from 1950-90; imports and exports from 1970-90; and prices from 1960-90. Also includes regional and State data on sugar beet, sugarcane, and sugar production, 1970-90. Last published October 1991. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Sugar Crops Keyword: beets, exports, imports, sugarcane, and sugars Latest Release: Oct 1, 1991 Oct 1, 1991: U.S. Sugar Statistical Compendium Release datetime: Oct 1, 1991Temporal coverage: 1960-10-01 - 1990-10-01 -
ERS Farmline
Description: This publication covered the general trends in agriculture, developments in rural life, natural resources farm finances, and many related topics of interest to farmers and their families. This monthly publication replaced both Agricultural Situation and the Farm Index and was published from 1980 to 1993. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agriculture, economic outlook and situation, exports, farm budgets, imports, and international trade Latest Release: Jan 16, 1993 Jan 16, 1993: Farmline Release datetime: Jan 16, 1993 -
Description: This publication was published between 1986 and 1993 and includes data on the outlook and impact of land values, the number of farmland transfers during a given time and the average cash rents paid for farm properties. Data contained in the report are based on estimates provided by a sample of farmers throughout the U.S. and information obtained from real estate brokers, county officials, and bank lenders. Information on fertilizer and pesticide use, energy use, machinery uptake and tillage ... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: crop acreage, farm assets, farm budgets, and production technology Latest Release: Oct 13, 1993 Oct 13, 1993: Agricultural Resources Release datetime: Oct 13, 1993 -
Description: This archived dataset does not contain recent data or information. Includes U.S. data on corn sweetener supply and use, prices, trade, and deliveries to domestic users by type of use during the period 1970-92. Includes data for high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dextrose, and glucose supply and use. Last published November 1993. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Sugar Crops Keyword: corn, fructose, glucose, and sweeteners Latest Release: Nov 1, 1993 Nov 1, 1993: U.S. Corn Sweetener Statistical Compendium Release datetime: Nov 1, 1993Temporal coverage: 1970-01-01 - 1992-01-01 -
ERS Feed Situation
Description: This report contains commentary and data on feed production, supply, trade, use, and prices in both domestic and foreign markets. Transportation rate indexes and shipment information is also contained within the report. Data is available for a number of grains, including corn, oats, sorghum, barley, and hay, along with byproduct feeds. The report also contains a special article focusing on China?s corn production, consumption, exports, and imports, including projections on the country?s futur... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: feed grains, prices, production, and supply Latest Release: Oct 26, 1994 Oct 26, 1994: Feed Situation Release datetime: Oct 26, 1994 -
Description: This publication was produced from 1975 to 1994 and includes data on the billions of dollars in agricultural trade per fiscal year. Included in the publication are tables that depict values by commodity and region for both imports and exports. Economic outlook for specific countries and regions are highlighted and the effect of trade agreements can be seen over time. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural forecasts, export policies, exports, foreign markets, imports, and international trade Latest Release: Nov 29, 1994 Nov 29, 1994: Outlook For U.S. Agricultural Exports Release datetime: Nov 29, 1994 -
ERS Food Review
Description: This magazine was published from 1991-2002 and contains nontechnical, general interest articles and historical data on food supply, food demand, food prices, and food spending. The articles report on ERS analyses and insights on a wide variety of topics related to the U.S. food marketing system, including food consumption, food product development, international food trade, food safety, and food-related policies and programs. Issues published between 1978 and 19990 are accessible on this webs... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agricultural policy, agriculture, consumption (economics), marketing, and safety testing Latest Release: Sep 1, 1995 Sep 1, 1995: Food Review Release datetime: Sep 1, 1995 -
Description: Comprehensive data, 1935-94, on U.S. and world tobacco and tobacco products production, stocks, imports and exports, consumption, curing practices, and prices. Includes acreage, yield, and production data by State and type, 1935-94; production by type in selected countries, 1976-95; and data on allotments, quotas, and related program statistics. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural statistics, cigarettes, production economics, statistics, tobacco, and trade Latest Release: Jun 1, 1996 Jun 1, 1996: Tobacco Statistics Release datetime: Jun 1, 1996Temporal coverage: 1935-01-01 - 1994-12-31 -
ERS Hog Outlook
Description: In 1997, ERS expanded Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook to include information formerly contained in Hog Outlook. The final issue of Hog Outlook was published October 15, 1996. This archive report contains detailed analysis and data on the hog sector, focusing on production, slaughter, price, and trade statistics. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: pig feeders, production costs, slaughter, and swine Latest Release: Oct 15, 1996 Oct 15, 1996: Hog Outlook Release datetime: Oct 15, 1996 -
Description: In 1997, ERS expanded Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook to include information formerly contained in Cattle and Sheep Outlook. The final issue of Cattle and Sheep Outlook was published November 13, 1996. This archive report contains detailed analysis and data covering the outlook for cattle and sheep, focusing on production, slaughter, price, and trade statistics. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: cattle, production costs, and sheep Latest Release: Nov 13, 1996 Nov 13, 1996: Cattle and Sheep Outlook Release datetime: Nov 13, 1996 -
ERS Poultry Outlook
Description: In 1997, ERS expanded Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook to include information formerly contained in Poultry Outlook. The final issue of Poultry Outlook was published November 18, 1996. This archive report contains detailed analysis and data covering the poultry sector, focusing on production, price, and trade statistics. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: broiler chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Nov 18, 1996 Nov 18, 1996: Poultry Outlook Release datetime: Nov 18, 1996 -
ERS Dairy Outlook
Description: In 1997, ERS expanded Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook to include information formerly contained in Dairy Outlook. The final issue of Dairy Outlook was published December 13, 1996.This archive report contains detailed analysis and data covering the outlook for the dairy sector, including milk production by States, regions, and the Nation; dairy cow inventory; milk and dairy products prices, supplies, and utilization; and international markets and trade. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: dairy animals, dairy consumption, and milk Latest Release: Dec 13, 1996 Dec 13, 1996: Dairy Outlook Release datetime: Dec 13, 1996 -
Description: This archived report does not contain recent information or data. This report provides a historical overview of the industry, more detailed examinations of the fluid milk market and selected manufactured dairy product markets, a discussion of future prospects and trends in the industry, and some thoughts on the implications of those prospects and trends for dairy farmers and their organizations, processors, dairy product manufacturers, and retailers. The U.S. dairy industry, many segments of ... Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: butter, cheeses, dairy farming, milk, and prices Latest Release: Sep 1, 1997 Sep 1, 1997: Structure of Dairy Markets: Past, Present, Future Release datetime: Sep 1, 1997 -
Description: This publication was last published in 1997 and examined how agricultural materials were used by industry sectors. Seven categories of agricultural materials are covered, including: starches and carbohydrates, fats and oils, natural fibers, animal products, forest products, natural plant products, natural rubber, and resins. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural economics, agricultural products, issues and policy, marketing, and production Latest Release: Dec 1, 1997 Dec 1, 1997: Industrial Uses of Agricultural Materials Release datetime: Dec 1, 1997 -
ERS Potato Facts
Description: Potato Facts was discontinued in 1997. This archive report reviews potato statistics, and covers production, stocks, prices, trade, and outlook. Analysis and data from ERS on potato statistics is now published in the Vegetables and Melons Outlook. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: French fries, potato chips, potatoes, and yields Latest Release: Dec 2, 1997 Dec 2, 1997: Potato Facts Release datetime: Dec 2, 1997 -
Description: This archived report does not contain recent information or data. This report examines the cattle cycle of the 1990s to determine if there are differences from previous cattle cycles and, if so, how and why differences occurred. In early 1996, the peak in the current cycle of cattle inventories coincided with a long list of negative factors: negative returns at the farm and feedlot, record-high feed grain prices, a severe drought in 1995-96, widening farm-retail price spreads; Choice beef dol... Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: beef, cattle, and cow-calf operations Latest Release: Apr 1, 1999 Apr 1, 1999: U.S. Beef Industry: Cattle Cycles, Price Spreads, and Packer Concentration Release datetime: Apr 1, 1999 -
Description: This archived report does not contain recent information or data and was last published April 1999. Included in this report are annual models for U.S. farm prices for corn and wheat, based on market factors as well as government agricultural commodity programs. The pricing relationships utilize a stocks-to-use modeling framework to capture the effects of market supply and demand factors on price determination. This formulation is augmented by factors that represent the changing role of agricu... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: agricultural policy, corn, market analysis, prices, and wheat Latest Release: Jul 1, 1999 Jul 1, 1999: Price Determination for Corn and Wheat: The Role of Market Factors and Government Programs Release datetime: Jul 1, 1999 -
Description: In 2002, this report was replaced by Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook. This archive report contains statistics on floriculture and nursery crop sales, number of growers, imports, exports, and consumption. For floriculture crops, tables include quantity sold, value of sales, wholesale prices, consumption per U.S. household, and import share of consumption. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: bulbs, floriculture, flowers, horticulture, and seeds Latest Release: Oct 1, 1999 Oct 1, 1999: Floriculture and Environmental Horticulture Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Oct 1, 1999 -
Description: These archived data include statistics on numbers of growers, grower cash receipts, area under glass or other protection, acreage in the open, quantities sold and dollar value of sales, sales through wholesale and retail outlets, prices, imports, exports, wholesale supplies and retail expenditures for cut flowers, cut greens, potted flowering plants, potted foliage plants, bedding and garden plants, nursery crops, bulbs, turf grass (sod), trade, and related horticultural specialty crops from ... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: cut flowers, floriculture, floriculture crops, greenhouse production, nursery crops, and trade Latest Release: Oct 1, 1999 Oct 1, 1999: Floriculture and Environmental Horticulture Yearbook Spreadsheet Files This report provides statistics for numbers of growers, grower cash receipts, area under glass or other protection, acreage in the open, quantities sold and dollar value of sales, sales through wholesale and retail outlets, prices, imports, exports, wholesale supplies and retail expenditures for cut flowers, cut greens, potted flowering plants, potted foliage plants, bedding and garden plants, nursery crops, bulbs, turfgrass (sod), and related horticultural specialty crops from 1991 to 1998.Release datetime: Oct 1, 1999Temporal coverage: 1991-01-01 - 1998-12-31 -
Description: This archived report does not contain recent information or data and was last published in January 2001. In 2000, trade practices between fresh produce shippers and food retailers gained national attention. Trade practices include fees such as volume discounts and slotting fees, as well as services like automatic inventory replenishment, special packaging, and requirements for third-party food safety certification. Trade practices also refer to the overall structure of a transaction-for examp... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: fresh produce, fruits, trade, and vegetables Latest Release: Jan 1, 2001 Jan 1, 2001: U.S. Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Marketing: Emerging Trade Practices, Trends, and Issues Release datetime: Jan 1, 2001 -
Description: Agricultural Outlook (AO) ceased publication in December 2002. A new magazine, AmberWaves, replaced Agricultural Outlook, FoodReview, and Rural America in February 2003. This archive contains AO publications covering commodity markets and trade, farm policy, and other food- and agriculture-related topics. Each release includes data on individual commodities, farm income, the general economy, agricultural trade, and related issues. Commodity and trade outlook data and information conti... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Tobacco, Animals and Animal Products:Dairy, Crops and Crop Products:Sugar Crops, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Animals and Animal Products:Livestock, Crops and Crop Products:Oil Crops, Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed, Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses, and Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: agricultural policy, commodity prices, and farm budgets Latest Release: Jan 1, 2002 Jan 1, 2002: Agricultural Outlook Release datetime: Jan 1, 2002Temporal coverage: 2002-02-20 - 2002-11-21 -
Description: The dairy industry underwent dramatic restructuring in the last 50 or so years. The 1997 U.S. Department of Agriculture report by Manchester and Blayney, The Structure of Dairy Markets: Past, Present, Future, described selected dairy product markets, firms in the markets, and changes in the markets and firms for the 1975-99 period. This report provides a similar examination of milk production. Structural changes in milk production are a result of long-term evolutionary processes such as adopt... Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: dairies, dairy farming, and milk Latest Release: Jun 1, 2002 Jun 1, 2002: Changing Landscape of U.S. Milk Production Release datetime: Jun 1, 2002 -
ERS Rural America
Description: Rural America highlights the practical application of research in rural banking, the changing demographics of the American population, implication for child-rearing and schooling, housing, the nonmetro labor force, poverty, and the effect of farm policies on rural areas. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: rural communities, rural development, and rural economics Latest Release: Jun 11, 2002 Jun 11, 2002: Rural America Release datetime: Jun 11, 2002 -
Description: This archive contains reports from 1995-2003. Recent issues of this annual report can be found in the Global Food Security Briefing Room on the ERS website. The publication examine the near- and long-term prospects for food gaps in low-income, developing countries and food-aid availabilities in donor countries. Factors considered include food supply and demand, prices, trade, food production, population growth, foreign exchange availability, and food consumption and nutrition. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: development aid, food aid, Nutrition, and production economics Latest Release: Feb 1, 2003 Feb 1, 2003: Food Security Assessment Release datetime: Feb 1, 2003 -
Description: This archived report does not contain recent information or data. The report reviews the economic trends in the U.S. sheep industry through 2002. It chronicles significant historical and economic developments in the industry from both market and policy perspectives and cites prospects for the industry's survival. Issues related to both sheep meat and wool production are covered. Last published January 2004. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed Keyword: Australia, mutton, sheep, and wool Latest Release: Jan 1, 2004 Jan 1, 2004: Trends in the U.S. Sheep Industry Release datetime: Jan 1, 2004 -
Description: ERS ceased publication of the Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook in report format in 2005. The yearbook tables are available in spreadsheet format from the Sugar and Sweeteners Briefing Room data page on the ERS website. This archived report contains data on U.S. and world data on acreage, yield, and production of sugar crops; production, trade, supply and use, and prices for sugar; and supply and use data for caloric and noncaloric sweeteners. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Sugar Crops Keyword: beets, exports, imports, sugarcane, and sugars Latest Release: Aug 31, 2004 Aug 31, 2004: Sugar and Sweeteners Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Aug 31, 2004 -
Description: This annual dataset contains statistics on production, supply, and use of milk and other manufactured dairy products, including data on commercial, manufacturer, and government stocks and disappearance of dairy products, as well as import and export data. Also includes prices received by farmers, wholesale and retail price indexes, milk production costs, and information regarding regional shares of U.S. milk production. Tables are in .xls format and downloadable either separately or collectiv... Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: dairy consumption, dairy products, milk, prices, production, and supply Latest Release: Sep 1, 2005 Sep 1, 2005: Dairy Yearbook: Dataset Release datetime: Sep 1, 2005Temporal coverage: 1970-01-01 - 2004-01-01 -
Description: This annual dataset ceased publication in 2003. It contained the annual, quarterly, and monthly data for domestic livestock slaughter and meat production as well as the inventories, prices, and price indexes for meat and livestock, including cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, turkey. Also included are the domestic supply and use of red meat and poultry as well as international imports and exports. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: livestock and meat industry, meat, poultry, production, and slaughter Latest Release: Jan 1, 2006 Jan 1, 2006: Red Meat Yearbook: Dataset Release datetime: Jan 1, 2006Temporal coverage: 1970-01-01 - 2005-01-01 -
Description: This dataset includes U.S. wheat acreage, production, supply, trade, use, and price data for wheat flour and rye. The tables previously released annually as part of the Wheat Yearbook are now available in the Wheat Data product on the ERS website. Data include statistics on wheat (including the five classes of wheat: hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, white, and durum) and rye. The yearbook tables are updated as new data become available. Dataset updated May 2006. A report con... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: durum wheat, exports, flour, imports, supply, and wheat Latest Release: May 1, 2006 May 1, 2006: Wheat Yearbook: Dataset The data on these files consist of the statistical tables found in the ERS "Wheat Situation and Outlook Yearbook" (WHS-2006, May 2006) which is updated and published once a year by the Market and Trade Economics Division, ERS/USDA.Release datetime: May 1, 2006 -
Description: This dataset is grouped into four sections: eggs, broilers (young chickens), other chicken (mature or non-broiler chickens), and turkeys. Within each section, the data are divided into indicators of production, supply and disappearance, and prices and costs. Also included are estimates of production, exports, shipments and consumption, prices paid and received, and costs of production. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices, Animals and Animal Products:Poultry, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: broiler chickens, economic outlook and situation, poultry, production costs, and turkeys Latest Release: Aug 1, 2006 Aug 1, 2006: Poultry Yearbook: Dataset The spreadsheets are grouped into four major sections: eggs, broilers (young chickens), other chicken (mature or nonbroiler chickens), and turkeys. Within each section, the data are divided into indicators of production, supply and disappearance, and prices and costs.Release datetime: Aug 1, 2006Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 2004-01-01 -
Description: Examines the U.S. aquaculture industry including production, inventory, sales, prices, inputs, and trade of catfish, trout, tilapia, salmon, mollusks, crawfish, shrimp, ornamental fish, and new species. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Aquaculture Keyword: aquaculture, catfish, exports, fish, imports, molluscs, prices, salmon, shrimp, and trout Latest Release: Oct 5, 2006 Oct 5, 2006: Aquaculture Outlook Release datetime: Oct 5, 2006 -
Description: This archived dataset does not contain recent data or information. Includes U.S. and world data on production, supply, trade, disappearance, and price data for tobacco and tobacco products. Includes data on U.S. tobacco acreage, yield, production, stocks, and marketing by type. Was last published January 2006. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Tobacco Keyword: cigarettes, exports, markets, prices, sales, and tobacco Latest Release: Jan 1, 2007 Jan 1, 2007: Tobacco Yearbook: Dataset Release datetime: Jan 1, 2007Temporal coverage: 1950-01-01 - 2006-01-01 -
Description: This report ceased publication in December 2007. It provided information on the changing conditions in the U.S. floriculture and nursery crop sector. Topics included production, consumption, trade, prices received, and more. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: crops, floriculture, flowers, horticulture, seeds, and trees Latest Release: Oct 4, 2007 Oct 4, 2007: Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Oct 4, 2007 -
Description: This report ceased publication in the fall of 2007. This publication houses reports under the name of Tobacco Outlook, Tobacco: Situation and Outlook Report, Tobacco Situation and Outlook Yearbook, and Tobacco Yearbook. The Tobacco Outlook examined burley and flue-cured tobacco production, consumption, prices, stocks, imports and exports, and more, including consumption and trade of tobacco products (cigars, cigarettes, snuff). The yearbook was an annual report that contained data important t... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Tobacco Keyword: cigarettes, exports, imports, markets, prices, and tobacco Latest Release: Oct 24, 2007 Oct 24, 2007: Tobacco Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Oct 24, 2007 -
Description: The outlook report and yearbook on floriculture and nursery crops ceased publication in the fall of 2007. The annual yearbook examined floriculture and nursery crop sales, number of growers, imports, exports, and consumption. For floriculture crops, tables include quantity sold, value of sales, wholesale prices, consumption per U.S. household, and import share of consumption. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: bulbs, floriculture, flowering, flowers, horticulture, and seeds Latest Release: Dec 5, 2007 Dec 5, 2007: Floriculture and Nursery Crops Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Dec 5, 2007 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual and seasonal U.S. national and state data for acreage, yield, production, value, disposition, utilization, utilization per capita, and prices for fresh potatoes and processed potatoes. Additional statistics include import and exports of fresh and processed potatoes as well as global acreage, production, and trade. Dataset updated January 2008. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: cropland harvested, potatoes, prices, production, shipments, supply, and trade Latest Release: Jan 1, 2008 Jan 1, 2008: U.S. Potato Statistics Release datetime: Jan 1, 2008 -
Description: This report is a supplement to the monthly Oil Crops Outlook report. This report examines domestic yearly trends in the supply, use, and pricing of various oil crops and animal fats and their products. Analysis of the global market is also provided with respect to recent market trends and domestic economic situations. Provided in the appendix are the data tables from the annual Oil Crops Yearbook dataset. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: animal fats and oils, exports, imports, prices, soybeans, and supply Latest Release: Jun 18, 2008 Jun 18, 2008: Oil Crops Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Jun 18, 2008 -
Description: This dataset contains annual and monthly U.S. national and state data on acreage, yield, production, price, value as well as U.S. trade by country, per capita use, and fertilizer use on bell and chile peppers. Additional statistics on usual planting/harvesting dates, world harvested area, production, producer prices, and trade are also included. Data-set updated November 2008. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: crop acreage, cropland harvested, exports, imports, peppers, prices, production, and trade Latest Release: Nov 1, 2008 Nov 1, 2008: U.S. Bell and Chile Pepper Statistics Release datetime: Nov 1, 2008Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 2008-01-01 -
Description: A publication that covered current events, developments, research, extension, and teaching issues in farm credit, insurance, taxation and general agricultural finance. Was published between 1938 and 1995 by the United States Department of Agriculture and from 1996 to 2008 by Cornell University. Articles contained in the publication were contributed by scholars in the field and refereed by peers. Started as an annual publication, it transitioned to publication twice per year, in fall and spring. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agriculture, credit, economic analysis, insurance, research, and taxes Latest Release: Nov 14, 2008 Nov 14, 2008: Agricultural Finance Review Release datetime: Nov 14, 2008 -
Description: This dataset contains annual and monthly data on U.S. national and state acreage, yield, production, prices, crop value, supply, and per capita usage of fresh and processed asparagus. Also included are the annual and monthly U.S. and global acreage, production, imports, and exports of fresh and processed asparagus. Data set updated May 2010. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, asparagus, prices, production, supply, trade, and yields Latest Release: May 1, 2010 May 1, 2010: U.S. Asparagus Statistics Release datetime: May 1, 2010Temporal coverage: 1949-01-01 - 2010-12-31 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S. national and state data for area, production, cost, price, and value of fresh and processed sweet corn. Additional statistics include monthly domestic shipping data as well as U.S. imports and exports from selected countries and global area, production and trade. Dataset updated June 2010. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: prices, production, shipments, supply, sweetcorn, and trade Latest Release: Jun 1, 2010 Jun 1, 2010: U.S. Sweet Corn Statistics Release datetime: Jun 1, 2010Temporal coverage: 1940-01-01 - 2010-06-01 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S. national, regional, and state data for area, production, cost, price, and value of fresh and processed tomatoes. Additional statistics include monthly prices and domestic shipping data as well as U.S. imports and exports from selected countries and global area, production, utilization, and trade. Dataset updated June 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: exports, imports, prices, supply, tomatoes, and trade Latest Release: Jul 1, 2010 Jul 1, 2010: U.S. Tomato Statistics Release datetime: Jul 1, 2010Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 2006-01-01 -
Description: These tables include the majority of the known published data on U.S. dry peas and lentils, as well as some chickpea data, though the USDA formally groups chickpeas with dry edible beans. Information on U.S. acreage, production, monthly and weekly prices, crop value, supply. per capita use, and import and export statistics are contained in this dataset. World area, production, and import and export volumes are also included. The data tables are in downloadable in .xls format. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: dry peas, exports, lentils, prices, supply, and trade Latest Release: Nov 1, 2010 Nov 1, 2010: Dry Peas and Lentils Release datetime: Nov 1, 2010 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S. national and state data on acreage, yield, production, price, value, and per capita use of lettuce. Additional statistics include monthly domestic shipments as well as annual and monthly import and exports from selective country and global production, yield, and import/exports. Dataset last updated January 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, lettuce, production, shipments, trade, and yields Latest Release: Jan 1, 2011 Jan 1, 2011: U.S. Lettuce Statistics Release datetime: Jan 1, 2011Temporal coverage: 1940-01-01 - 2010-12-01 -
Description: The U.S. Carrot Statistics data product provides information on fresh and proccessed carrots for the United States and individual States for 1960-2009. Acreage, yield, production, price, and value are presented by major State. Additional statistical series includes supply and disappearance, per capita consumption (use), price indexes, shipments, arrivals, usual planting and harvesting dates; varieties planted; U.S. exports and imports by country; world area, production, imports and exports by... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: carrots, prices, processed foods, shipments, trade, turnips, and yields Latest Release: Jan 1, 2011 Jan 1, 2011: U.S. Carrot Statistics Release datetime: Jan 1, 2011Temporal coverage: 1950-01-01 - 2010-01-01 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S. national and state data on area, yield, production, crop value supply, per capita utilization, and prices of onion. Additional statistics are available for monthly domestic shipments as well as yearly and monthly imports and exports by country and global area, production, yield, and trade. Dataset updated March 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, onions, prices, production, supply, trade, and yields Latest Release: Mar 1, 2011 Mar 1, 2011: U.S. Onion Statistics Release datetime: Mar 1, 2011Temporal coverage: 1950-01-01 - 2010-01-01 -
Description: This dataset contains annual data on U.S. national and state acreage, yield, production and value of fresh cabbage and cabbage for sauerkraut. Also includes monthly prices, price indexes, usual planting and harvesting dates, varieties planted, per capita use as well as annual and monthly world acreage and production by country, and world trade. Data set updated March 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: cabbage, exports, prices, shipments, supply, and trade Latest Release: Mar 1, 2011 Mar 1, 2011: U.S. Cabbage Statistics Release datetime: Mar 1, 2011 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual, seasonal, and monthly U.S. production, acreage, value, prices, imports, exports, per capita use, and beginning stocks for major fresh market and processed vegetables from 1970 onward. This dataset also includes data for potatoes, sweet potatoes, dry beans and peas, and fresh and processed mushrooms. Dataset was last updated May 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: economic outlook and situation, exports, fresh market, imports, melons, and vegetable crops Latest Release: May 1, 2011 May 1, 2011: Vegetables and Melons Yearbook: Dataset Release datetime: May 1, 2011 -
ERS Dry Edible Beans
Description: The dry bean datasets include area, yield, production, price, and value information by state and dry bean production by class and state, as well as various indexes.In addition, per capita disappearance, world area, production, price, and export and import volume information is also included. The data tables are in .xls format and are downloadable either separately or collectively in a .zip file. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: area, dry beans, exports, imports, prices, and yields Latest Release: May 1, 2011 May 1, 2011: Dry Edible Beans Release datetime: May 1, 2011Temporal coverage: 1909-01-01 - 2011-01-01 -
Description: This data product provides detailed statistics on sweet potatoes for the United States and individual sweet potato-producing states for 1960-2010. Acreage, yield, production, and value are presented by State. Other statistical series include U.S. per capita use, price indexes, shipments, arrivals, exports and imports by county, and selected cost of production. World acreage, production, exports, and imports are also included. Dataset updated June 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: cropland harvested, cropland planted, exports, imports, potatoes, and prices Latest Release: Jun 1, 2011 Jun 1, 2011: U.S. Sweet Potato Statistics Release datetime: Jun 1, 2011 -
Description: This dataset contains data covering the economics of the U.S. fresh and processing broccoli industry. The time series data covers U.S. national and state area, yield, production, prices, value as well as U.S. trade by country, per capita use (disappearance), and usual harvesting dates and varieties by State. Also included are data series for world area and production and world trade by country of broccoli and cauliflower. Data-set updated June 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: broccoli, fresh market, prices, processed foods, production, supply, trades, and yields Latest Release: Jun 1, 2011 Jun 1, 2011: U.S. Broccoli Statistics Release datetime: Jun 1, 2011Temporal coverage: 1950-01-01 - 2011-06-01 -
Description: The statistical information in this dataset provides information from 1965-2011 concerning the U.S. mushroom industry. The data set contains series at the U.S., State, and Region-level for mushroom area, yield, production, price, value, sales, and per capita use. Other series include U.S. trade (by product and country), various Census tables, and world production and trade by country for mushrooms and truffles. Dataset last updated August 31, 2011. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, mushrooms, production, shipments, trade, and yields Latest Release: Aug 31, 2011 Aug 31, 2011: U.S. Mushroom Industry Release datetime: Aug 31, 2011 -
Description: Renewable Identification Number (RIN) for biofuels created by the EPA as a unit of compliance to assist with the implementation of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which currently sets annual mandates on renewable transportation fuels through 2022. This report was created to facilitate an understanding of the RIN market, which is heavily tied to understanding the effects of RFS mandates on the biofuel and feedstock markets. This report discusses the details of the RIN system and its role in... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: biodiesel, biofuels, feedstocks, mandates, renewable fuel standard, and renewable identification number Latest Release: Nov 8, 2011 Nov 8, 2011: Bioenergy Outlook Release datetime: Nov 8, 2011 -
Description: Compares the income and financial outlook for the U.S farm sector, farm businesses, and farm households in December 2010 with the outlook in December 2011. Chapter 1 of the report outlines the farm income outlook and drivers (e.g. production expenses, payments to stakeholders) that affect U.S. farm operations earnings. Chapter 2 discusses farm households and their economic well-being based off income, assets, debt, and net worth. Chapter 3 discusses projections of farm enterprise income base... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: administrative management, assets, debt, finance, income, and income and wealth Latest Release: Dec 14, 2011 Dec 14, 2011: Agricultural Income and Finance Situation and Outlook Release datetime: Dec 14, 2011 -
Description: This dataset contains annual and monthly data on U.S. national and state apple farm numbers, acreage, yield, production, prices, crop value, trade, supply, and per capita use of apples and apple products. Also included are the monthly data on apple and apple product shipments, imports and exports, and world production and acreage of apples. Data set updated May 2010. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, apples, prices, production, supply, trade, and yields Latest Release: May 1, 2012 May 1, 2012: U.S. Apple Statistics Release datetime: May 1, 2012Temporal coverage: 1980-01-01 - 2012-05-01 -
Description: International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook Reports Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural economics, Asia, consumption, European Union, production, and trade Latest Release: May 22, 2012 May 22, 2012: International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook Reports Release datetime: May 22, 2012 -
Description: This watermelon data set contains time series data for the the period 1950-2012 at the U.S. and State-level for such variables as watermelon acreage, yield, production, price, and value. Other series include U.S. per capita disappearance (consumption), U.S. trade--by product, country (1978-2012), market shipment volume, U.S. arrivals in major cities (through 1998), world production and trade by country, usual planting and harvesting dates, and major varieties planted. Dataset updated June 2013. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: exports, imports, melons, prices, supply, trade, and watermelons Latest Release: Jun 1, 2013 Jun 1, 2013: U.S. Watermelon Industry Release datetime: Jun 1, 2013 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S. national and state data on harvested acreage, yield, production, prices, crop value, trade, and per capita usage of wild and cultivated blueberries. Also included are the monthly blueberry shipments within the U.S. as well as the annual and monthly import and export by country of blueberries. Data-set updated June 2013. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: acreage, blueberries, exports, imports, prices, production, shipments, and yields Latest Release: Jun 1, 2013 Jun 1, 2013: U.S. Blueberry Industry Release datetime: Jun 1, 2013Temporal coverage: 1970-01-01 - 2012-12-31 -
Description: This dataset contains the annual U.S national and state data for acreage, production, utilization, prices, and values for strawberries. Additional statistics include monthly domestic shipments as well as imports and exports by country and global acreage, production and trade of strawberries. Dataset updated June 2013. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: prices, production, shipments, strawberries, supply, and trade Latest Release: Jun 1, 2013 Jun 1, 2013: U.S. Strawberry Industry Release datetime: Jun 1, 2013Temporal coverage: 1970-01-01 - 2012-01-01 -
Description: This dataset contains annual U.S. national and state data on acreage, yield, production, supply, disappearance, per capita use, price, and value for cantaloupe. Additional statistics include annual and monthly shipments, arrivals, U.S. exports and imports by country, usual planting and harvesting dates, agricultural chemical use as well as world production, area, and trade of cantaloups and other melons. This dataset was last updated June 19, 2013. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: acreage, cantaloupes, prices, production, shipments, trade, and yields Latest Release: Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013: U.S. Cantaloupe Statistics Release datetime: Jun 19, 2013 -
Description: This annual report examines world and U.S. production, consumption, trade, stocks, and prices for wheat with changes in these fields reported. This is a supplement to Wheat Outlook. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: durum wheat, economic outlook and situation, flour, imports, supply, and wheat Latest Release: Jan 6, 2015 Jan 6, 2015: Wheat Yearbook: Report Release datetime: Jan 6, 2015 -
Description: This monthly report examines the monthly U.S. agricultural imports and exports on both a commodity basis as well as a country by country basis. Data tables of agricultural trade is provided for both volume of trade and value of trade for the recent months as well as the fiscal year. Regular publication of this report has ceased after the February 2007 issue, however periodic reports are still being issued. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry, Crops and Crop Products, Animals and Animal Products:Dairy, and Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: agricultural products, cotton, dairy, grains, horticultural crops, livestock, oilseeds, poultry, and trade Latest Release: Feb 25, 2016 Feb 25, 2016: U.S. Agricultural Trade Update Release datetime: Feb 25, 2016