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Description: Includes data on wheat acreage in the U.S. and abroad and shipments, including flour, from principal exporting countries. Also included are cash prices, including the weighted average per bushel, and foreign wheat crops. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: flour, grain crops, rye, and wheat Latest Release: May 21, 1930 May 21, 1930: Foreign News On Wheat Release datetime: May 21, 1930 -
Description: This publication includes data on U.S. farm prices of eggs, turkeys and chickens and the various factors affecting production from 1910 to 1935. In 1937, this data was included under the new publication titled the Poultry and Egg Situation. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Sep 15, 1935 Sep 15, 1935: Poultry and Poultry Products Release datetime: Sep 15, 1935 -
Description: This publication was published between 1930 and 1936. It reported on wheat and rye production, domestic and foreign market prices, and prospective supply and utilization of domestic supplies. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: flour, grain crops, rye, and wheat Latest Release: Oct 31, 1936 Oct 31, 1936: World Wheat Prospects Release datetime: Oct 31, 1936 -
Description: This publication reported on the wool prices in domestic and foreign markets from 1930 to 1936. Principal world markets are identified in each release and the import and export quantities are noted. Supplies and consumption trends are noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed Keyword: wool, wool industry, woolen fabric, and yarns Latest Release: Nov 30, 1936 Nov 30, 1936: World Wool Prospects Release datetime: Nov 30, 1936 -
Description: This publication was published between 1931 and 1939. Following the conclusion of its publication in 1939, data reported in this report was included in the Poultry and Egg Outlook and Situation report. The number of hatchings, total egg production, number of laying flocks, egg prices and prices of chickens, and storage stocks of poultry meat are included in these reports. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: chickens, eggs, poultry, and turkeys Latest Release: Nov 6, 1939 Nov 6, 1939: Poultry and Egg Outlook Release datetime: Nov 6, 1939 -
Description: Includes data on number of annual turkeys raised, supply of hatching eggs, cost of production (including feed prices), storage stocks, supplies of other meats, and the production intentions for the coming year. This annual publication stopped in 1940. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Poultry Keyword: poultry and turkeys Latest Release: Mar 18, 1940 Mar 18, 1940: Special Outlook Report for Turkeys Release datetime: Mar 18, 1940 -
Description: This publication was published between 1942 and 1946. Included in each release is data on the number of livestock produced, slaughtered and sold, and the production and prices of wool. Relevant government actions, such as changes to inspection of certification, are also noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed Keyword: food animals, livestock and meat industry, and wool Latest Release: Dec 6, 1946 Dec 6, 1946: The Livestock and Wool Situation Release datetime: Dec 6, 1946 -
Description: This publication reported on the estimated farm real estate debt in the United States, as reported by major lender groups and the Farmers Home Administration. Total outstanding amounts due are broken down by state and region and presented in a table by principal lender type. All available archived copied of this publication are included here. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm, farm business debt, and real estate debt Latest Release: Aug 17, 1961 Aug 17, 1961: Farm Real Estate Debt Release datetime: Aug 17, 1961 -
Description: The Vegetable and Pulses Outlook was formerly titled The Vegetable Situation (VGS) from its inception in 1937 through 1987. As the Vegetable and Pulses Outlook does today, the VGS report provided current intelligence and forecasts on changing conditions in the U.S. vegetables and pulses sector. Each report highlighted a range of data products and reports on vegetable and pulse markets including domestic supply, demand, trade, and prices. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: economic outlook and situation, prices, storage time, vegetable crops, and vegetables Latest Release: Oct 20, 1962 Oct 20, 1962: The Vegetable Situation Release datetime: Oct 20, 1962 -
Description: Liability and Insurance Projection for farmers who have income-Producing recreation facilities. Preface: As a source of side income, some farmers near cities are providing recreational facilities for the use of fee-paying guests. Additional liability is involved. The ordinary personal liability or farmowner policy does not cover these income-producing recreational facilities. It covers only the basic farm operation. A farmer needs additional insurance on the side activities. This report dis... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm budgets, farm capital, and insurance Latest Release: Jun 6, 1963 Jun 6, 1963: Liability and Insurance Protection Release datetime: Jun 6, 1963 -
ERS Dairy Situation
Description: This publication reported on cow numbers, milk production, prices and income and other data related to dairy products. Trends, including price drops and dairy exports are also noted. All available archived reports are included here, from 1931 to 1969. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: butter, cheeses, cream, margarine, milk, and world markets Latest Release: Mar 14, 1969 Mar 14, 1969: Dairy Situation Release datetime: Mar 14, 1969 -
Description: Current feed grain data are available from the Feed Grains Database on the ERS website. The interactive database contains data on U.S. acreage, production, supply, trade, use, and prices for feed grains (corn, sorghum, barley, and oats) and limited data for hay and some feedstuffs (wheat mill feeds, rice mill feeds, etc.). Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds Keyword: grains, acreage, supply, oilseeds -
Description: This report was part of a continuing nationwide study of costs and returns on farms and ranches by type and size in some of the important farming regions of the United States. Reports covered Commercial Dairy Farms, Corn Belt Farms, Egg-Producing Farms, Broiler Farms, Cotton Farms, Tobacco Farms, Wheat Farms, livestock ranches and more. Summary statistics for all types of farms are presented in annual reports from 1962 to 1972. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural budgeting, farm assets, farms, livestock, and ranching Latest Release: Aug 14, 1972 Aug 14, 1972: Farm Costs and Returns Release datetime: Aug 14, 1972 -
Description: This publication reports on the status of outstanding loans to farms nationwide. It details the farm mortgage debt held by major lenders such as the banks, life insurance companies, and individuals, the fluctuations in farm mortgage debt between 1955 and 1973, and contributing factors such as the Farm Credit Act of 1971 and the changes in land values. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: debt to asset ratio, farm debt, loans, and mortgages Latest Release: Sep 17, 1973 Sep 17, 1973: Farm Mortgage Debt Release datetime: Sep 17, 1973Temporal coverage: 1910-01-01 - 1973-01-11 -
Description: Preliminary monthly estimates of farm income by groups of commodities. Includes income from farm marketings and the report on monthly receipts from the sale of principle farm products. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm assets, farm budgets, farm capital, and government payments Latest Release: Sep 23, 1974 Sep 23, 1974: Farm Income Situation Release datetime: Sep 23, 1974 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1959 and 1974 and reported on agricultural economics for countries and regions around the globe. Each release covers supply, demand, trade, the current situation, outlook, and many noteworthy economic events for the country or region. The content of this publication is similar to content included in the more recent publication titled International Agriculture and Trade Situation and Outlook Reports. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agricultural forecasts, exports, imports, international trade, and world markets Latest Release: Oct 11, 1974 Oct 11, 1974: Foreign Agriculture Situation and Outlook Release datetime: Oct 11, 1974 -
Description: A report with commentary about both foreign and domestic demand, wholesale prices, prices received and paid by farmers, farm income and labor, and commentary about demand and prices for a variety of crops important to U.S. Agriculture. This report was known as The Price Situation prior to 1937. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: agriculture, economics, farm budgets, farms, and prices Latest Release: May 9, 1975 May 9, 1975: Demand and Price Situation Release datetime: May 9, 1975 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1942 and 1975 and reported on the costs associated with transporting, processing, distributing and marketing farm foods across the United States. Different costs for at-home and away-from home food purchases are included and other price spreads (such as farm-retail spread) for several topics important to farms and farm families are included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: food advertising, retail marketing, and transportation Latest Release: Aug 28, 1975 Aug 28, 1975: Marketing and Transportation Situation Release datetime: Aug 28, 1975 -
Description: This publication was published from 1973 to 1976 and was formerly a supplement to the Agricultural Finance Review. It reported on data pertaining to, or related to, the financing of agriculture in the United States. Estimates of total farm real estate debt, commodity credit corporation loans and interest and money rates were also included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agriculture, farm business debt, farm capital, insurance, and property insurance Latest Release: Jul 1, 1976 Jul 1, 1976: Agricultural Finance Statistics Release datetime: Jul 1, 1976Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 1975-01-01 -
Description: From 1937 to 1976, this publication reported on statistics for the production, acreage, prices and outlook for fruit crops, including apples, grapes, peaches, pears, cranberries, strawberries, avocados, nectarines, oranges, grapefruit and lemons. Tree nuts, including almonds and walnuts, are also included in this publication. All available archived releases have been made available here. Prior to 1937, the Fruit and Vegetable Situation (FVS) reported on the fruit statistics covered in this pu... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Nuts Keyword: economic outlook and situation, fruits, and nut crops Latest Release: Sep 18, 1976 Sep 18, 1976: The Fruit Situation Release datetime: Sep 18, 1976