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Agriculture Economics and Management
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Description: This bulletin reports the number and prices, as well as related products/byproducts, of horses, mules, and motor vehicles (tractors), both on and off farms. Domestic data is organized by state (some by city) while data on foreign markets is organized by country. This bulletin covers data from 1840 to 1924. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: animal transport, horses, mules, transportation, and trucks Latest Release: Jan 1, 1925 Jan 1, 1925: Horses, Mules, and Motor Vehicles Statistics Horses, Mules, and Motor Vehicles StatisticsRelease datetime: Jan 1, 1925Temporal coverage: 1840-01-01 - 1924-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports on the acreage, yield per acre, total production and stocks, trade movements, receipts and shipments of hay. It also includes information on prices, including freight rates for hay and feed. This publication covers data from years 1839 to 1924. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: crop acreage, feeds, hay, prices, and straw Latest Release: Apr 1, 1925 Apr 1, 1925: Hay and Feed Statistics Hay and Feed StatisticsRelease datetime: Apr 1, 1925Temporal coverage: 1839-01-01 - 1924-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports statistics on hogs, pork, and pork products. Information is presented on production, movement to markets, marketing, domestic and international trade movements, storage holdings, and prices. This publication contains data for the years 1867 to 1925. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: pork, pork industry, and swine Latest Release: Jan 1, 1927 Jan 1, 1927: Hogs and Pork Statistics Statistics of Hogs, Pork, and Pork ProductsRelease datetime: Jan 1, 1927Temporal coverage: 1867-01-01 - 1925-12-31 -
Description: This special report provides an aggregation of weather data and trends for seven crops by region and selected states, for the years 1866-1948. The data presented may aid those looking to explore the effect that yield variety has on commodity marketing and pricing. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Agriculture Economics and Management:Weather, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crop acreage, marketing, weather forecasting, and yields Latest Release: Jun 1, 1951 Jun 1, 1951: Fluctuations In Crops and Weather 1866 - 1948 Release datetime: Jun 1, 1951 -
Description: This publication reports on farm consumption of liquid petroleum motor fuel and liquid petroleum fuel. Information is presented on use for households, tractors, curing and drying, and automobiles, among other uses. This publication contains data from years 1920 to 1954. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: energy use and consumption, farms, fuel oils, and gasoline Latest Release: Jul 1, 1956 Jul 1, 1956: Fuel Consumption for Farms Liquid Petroleum Fuel - Consumption for Farm PurposesRelease datetime: Jul 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1920-01-01 - 1954-12-31 -
NASS Foreign Trade
Description: This publication reports on United States agricultural trade and foreign production for agricultural commodities and products for 1910 to 1955. Full agricultural reports on Cuba and Brazil are also listed. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices Keyword: commodity exchange, commodity prices, foreign markets, international trade, and trade Latest Release: Aug 1, 1956 Aug 1, 1956: Foreign Trade Foreign Agricultural Trade - Statistical HandbookRelease datetime: Aug 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1865-01-01 - 1955-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports estimates of property taxes levied on farmers, by State, for both real estate and personal property. This report contains data from years 1909 to 1954. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farming systems, property tax, and taxes Latest Release: Aug 1, 1956 Aug 1, 1956: Taxes on Farm Property Release datetime: Aug 1, 1956 -
Description: This publication reports on the quantity of livestock fed annually in animal units. Three sets of animal units are presented in this report, including (1) grain consuming livestock, (2) roughage consuming livestock, and (3) grain and roughage consuming livestock. This publication contains data from years 1909 to 1955. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: cattle, feed concentrates, feed intake, feeds, and livestock and meat industry Latest Release: Oct 1, 1956 Oct 1, 1956: Livestock Fed Annually Animal Units of Livestock Fed AnnuallyRelease datetime: Oct 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1909-01-01 - 1955-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports production, acreage, and yield of various commodities, consumption data for various inputs, and information on farm power and machinery. Information on land use, labor, and income is also reported. This publication contains data for the years 1910 to 1951. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: crop acreage, farm assets, farm budgets, farm buildings, and farming systems Latest Release: Nov 1, 1956 Nov 1, 1956: Farm Production Costs and Returns Costs and Returns - Commercial Family-Operated Farms by Type and SizeRelease datetime: Nov 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1930-01-01 - 1951-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports on fertilizer and liming material consumption, stocks, and imports and exports in the United States from years 1880 to 1955. Statistics are presented on nitrogen, natural organic materials, phosphoric oxide, potash, secondary nutrients, trace nutrients, and related materials. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: chemical compounds, fertilizer application, fertilizer rates, and liming materials Latest Release: Apr 1, 1957 Apr 1, 1957: Fertilizer Statistics Statistics on Fertilizers and Liming MaterialsRelease datetime: Apr 1, 1957Temporal coverage: 1880-01-01 - 1955-12-31