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Description: This full-text annual report presents acreage by planted and/or harvested areas by state for corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, barley, rye, sorghum, rice, peanuts, sunflower, flaxseed, canola, rapeseed, safflower, mustard seed, cotton, dry beans, potatoes, sweet potatoes, sugarbeets, alfalfa hay, tobacco, and sugarcane. Starting in 2000, genetically modified plants are reported for selected crops. The Acreage report is a supplement to Crop Production, and the 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989 issues of A... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses, and Crops and Crop Products:Tobacco Keyword: cropland harvested, cropland planted, genetically modified organisms, and production Latest Release: Jun 28, 2024 Jun 28, 2024: Acreage Release datetime: Jun 28, 2024 -
Description: This report is a survey conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as part of the NIOSH Occupational Injury Surveillance of Production Agriculture project, and contains information on occupational injuries to adults on farms in the US in 2001, 2004, and 2009. Demographic information, source of injury, and changes in incidence of farm injuries are included in the survey. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury Keyword: adults, agricultural health and safety, occupational accidents, and wounds and injuries Latest Release: May 30, 2013 May 30, 2013: Adult Agricultural Related Injuries Release datetime: May 30, 2013 -
Description: This report provides insecticide use information on the dairy cattle sector of agriculture. All data refer to the on-farm use of active ingredients contained in insecticides applied during the 1999 calendar year. Data is provided in a rate per head per application and rate per head per year format. Insecticides are applied to cattle and cattle facilities to control mange/mites, lice, flies, and other pests. Pharmaceutical products that treat cattle specifically for internal pests are excluded... Category: Animals and Animal Products:Dairy and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: animal parasites and pests, cattle, cattle facilities, insecticides, and topical application Latest Release: Apr 26, 2000 Apr 26, 2000: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Cattle and Cattle Facilities Release datetime: Apr 26, 2000 -
Description: This publication provides details about the distribution of agricultural chemical active ingredients commonly applied to selected field and vegetable crops. It presents data on acreage treated with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other pesticides. This report expands upon the information presented in the Agricultural Chemical Usage 2004 Field Crops Summary published in May 2005 and in the Agricultural Chemical Usage 2004 Vegetable Summary published in July 2005. Chemicals are liste... Category: Crops and Crop Products and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, crops, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, and pesticides Latest Release: Dec 23, 2005 Dec 23, 2005: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Chemical Distribution Rate Release datetime: Dec 23, 2005 -
Description: This report provides insecticide use information on the dairy cattle sector of agriculture. All data refer to the on-farm use of active ingredients contained in insecticides applied during the 2001 and 2006 calendar years. Insecticides are applied to dairy cattle and dairy cattle facilities to control mange/mites, lice, flies, and other pests. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Animals and Animal Products:Dairy Keyword: animal parasites and pests, dairy cattle, dairy farming, insecticides, and topical application Latest Release: May 23, 2007 May 23, 2007: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Dairy Cattle and Dairy Facilities Release datetime: May 23, 2007 -
Description: This report, released annually from 1991 to 2013, includes statistics about on-farm fertilizer and pesticide usage, and pest management practices on selected field crops and potatoes. Prevention, avoidance, monitoring, and suppression practices are also investigated in the survey. Beginning in May 2010, NASS agricultural chemical use data are published to the Quick Stats 2.0 database only (full-text publications have been discontinued), and can be found under the NASS Chemical Usage Program. Category: Crops and Crop Products and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, fertilizers, field crops, pesticides, and potatoes Latest Release: May 15, 2013 May 15, 2013: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Field Crops and Potatoes Release datetime: May 15, 2013 -
Description: This report contains the results of two independent surveys of growing and packing practices of fruits and vegetables. Growers were surveyed on field environment, agricultural water, organic fertilizers, harvest-field operations, harvest workers, and trace back systems. Packers were surveyed for information pertaining to packing workers, field packing, facility packing, and trace back systems. Almost all data in the report is presented in the form of percent of the total (grower or packer) po... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: agricultural structures and facilities, agrochemicals, farm labor, fertilizers, and growers Latest Release: Jun 13, 2001 Jun 13, 2001: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Practices Release datetime: Jun 13, 2001 -
Description: This release includes statistics for on-farm use of agricultural chemicals and pest management practices from producers of targeted fruit crops in major producing states. The survey population consisted of fruit and berry growers and the survey was intended to provide estimates of chemical usage at the state level. On non-survey year, acreage is based on trends, county extension service data, end of year production surveys, and other indicators. Beginning in May 2010, NASS agricultural chemic... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, berries, fruits, pest management, and pesticides Latest Release: Jul 25, 2012 Jul 25, 2012: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruits Release datetime: Jul 25, 2012 -
Description: This report is a chemical use survey issued by the National Agricultural Statistics Service on livestock and reports on insecticide use information on dairy cattle and dairy facilities in 17 selected states. Active ingredients classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as pesticides are included in the report. Pharmaceutical products for internal pests are excluded, but dual purpose products that can be applied internally or externally are included. Chemical use data is provided on a ... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Animals and Animal Products:Livestock Keyword: agrochemicals, cattle, pest management, pesticides, and topical application Latest Release: May 23, 2007 May 23, 2007: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Livestock and General Farm Use Release datetime: May 23, 2007 -
Description: This release includes pesticide use and pest management data for nursery and floriculture crops in California, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Quantity and frequency of use, types of active ingredients applied, and application practices are included in the survey. Beginning in May 2010, NASS agricultural chemical use data are published to the Quick Stats 2.0 database only (full-text publications have been discontinued), the latest data releases are available under the NASS... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, floriculture, flowers, nursery crops, pest management, and pesticides Latest Release: Jan 19, 2011 Jan 19, 2011: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Nursery & Floriculture Release datetime: Jan 19, 2011