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Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures
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Description: This publication reports on farm consumption of liquid petroleum motor fuel and liquid petroleum fuel. Information is presented on use for households, tractors, curing and drying, and automobiles, among other uses. This publication contains data from years 1920 to 1954. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: energy use and consumption, farms, fuel oils, and gasoline Latest Release: Jul 1, 1956 Jul 1, 1956: Fuel Consumption for Farms Liquid Petroleum Fuel - Consumption for Farm PurposesRelease datetime: Jul 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1920-01-01 - 1954-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports estimates of property taxes levied on farmers, by State, for both real estate and personal property. This report contains data from years 1909 to 1954. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farming systems, property tax, and taxes Latest Release: Aug 1, 1956 Aug 1, 1956: Taxes on Farm Property Release datetime: Aug 1, 1956 -
Description: This publication reports on the quantity of livestock fed annually in animal units. Three sets of animal units are presented in this report, including (1) grain consuming livestock, (2) roughage consuming livestock, and (3) grain and roughage consuming livestock. This publication contains data from years 1909 to 1955. Category: Animals and Animal Products:Livestock and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: cattle, feed concentrates, feed intake, feeds, and livestock and meat industry Latest Release: Oct 1, 1956 Oct 1, 1956: Livestock Fed Annually Animal Units of Livestock Fed AnnuallyRelease datetime: Oct 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1909-01-01 - 1955-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports production, acreage, and yield of various commodities, consumption data for various inputs, and information on farm power and machinery. Information on land use, labor, and income is also reported. This publication contains data for the years 1910 to 1951. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: crop acreage, farm assets, farm budgets, farm buildings, and farming systems Latest Release: Nov 1, 1956 Nov 1, 1956: Farm Production Costs and Returns Costs and Returns - Commercial Family-Operated Farms by Type and SizeRelease datetime: Nov 1, 1956Temporal coverage: 1930-01-01 - 1951-12-31 -
Description: This publication reports on fertilizer and liming material consumption, stocks, and imports and exports in the United States from years 1880 to 1955. Statistics are presented on nitrogen, natural organic materials, phosphoric oxide, potash, secondary nutrients, trace nutrients, and related materials. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: chemical compounds, fertilizer application, fertilizer rates, and liming materials Latest Release: Apr 1, 1957 Apr 1, 1957: Fertilizer Statistics Statistics on Fertilizers and Liming MaterialsRelease datetime: Apr 1, 1957Temporal coverage: 1880-01-01 - 1955-12-31 -
Description: This publication reported on the estimated farm real estate debt in the United States, as reported by major lender groups and the Farmers Home Administration. Total outstanding amounts due are broken down by state and region and presented in a table by principal lender type. All available archived copied of this publication are included here. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm, farm business debt, and real estate debt Latest Release: Aug 17, 1961 Aug 17, 1961: Farm Real Estate Debt Release datetime: Aug 17, 1961 -
NASS Farm Employment
Description: This publication includes revised estimates by States of farm employment, including both family and hired labor on farms. Farm work is defined in this publication as any task considered crucial to the operations and management of the farm. Monthly and seasonal data from 1910 to 1959 is presented. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm assets, farm workers, and labor force Latest Release: Jan 1, 1963 Jan 1, 1963: Farm Employment Family and Hired Workers, Annual AveragesRelease datetime: Jan 1, 1963Temporal coverage: 1910-01-01 - 1959-12-31 -
Description: Liability and Insurance Projection for farmers who have income-Producing recreation facilities. Preface: As a source of side income, some farmers near cities are providing recreational facilities for the use of fee-paying guests. Additional liability is involved. The ordinary personal liability or farmowner policy does not cover these income-producing recreational facilities. It covers only the basic farm operation. A farmer needs additional insurance on the side activities. This report dis... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm budgets, farm capital, and insurance Latest Release: Jun 6, 1963 Jun 6, 1963: Liability and Insurance Protection Release datetime: Jun 6, 1963 -
Description: This publication includes information on the fertilizer products marketed for farm and nonfarm consumption and their primary plant-nutrient contents. Data is presented annually (at a minimum) for individual States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. This publication ceased production in 1971 after being produced from 1953 to 1970. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: fertilizer application, fertilizer industry, nitrogen fertilizers, and phosphorus fertilizers Latest Release: Oct 27, 1970 Oct 27, 1970: Consumption of Commercial Fertilizers Release datetime: Oct 27, 1970 -
Description: This report was part of a continuing nationwide study of costs and returns on farms and ranches by type and size in some of the important farming regions of the United States. Reports covered Commercial Dairy Farms, Corn Belt Farms, Egg-Producing Farms, Broiler Farms, Cotton Farms, Tobacco Farms, Wheat Farms, livestock ranches and more. Summary statistics for all types of farms are presented in annual reports from 1962 to 1972. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural budgeting, farm assets, farms, livestock, and ranching Latest Release: Aug 14, 1972 Aug 14, 1972: Farm Costs and Returns Release datetime: Aug 14, 1972 -
NASS Farm Cost Situation
Description: An annual report with commentary about farm expenditures , the sources of changes in farm costs, and forecasts about costs and net-farm income in different sectors and/or regions of the US in the coming year. Production expenditures, cost-price relationships, long-term costs, and variations are also analyzed. Items detailed in the report include farm and non-farm goods and services, including taxes, insurance, interest and wage rates, feed and livestock, seed, fertilizer, real estate, pestici... Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: expenditures, farm income, production costs, taxes, and wages Latest Release: Feb 14, 1973 Feb 14, 1973: Farm Cost Situation Release datetime: Feb 14, 1973 -
Description: This publication reports on the status of outstanding loans to farms nationwide. It details the farm mortgage debt held by major lenders such as the banks, life insurance companies, and individuals, the fluctuations in farm mortgage debt between 1955 and 1973, and contributing factors such as the Farm Credit Act of 1971 and the changes in land values. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: debt to asset ratio, farm debt, loans, and mortgages Latest Release: Sep 17, 1973 Sep 17, 1973: Farm Mortgage Debt Release datetime: Sep 17, 1973Temporal coverage: 1910-01-01 - 1973-01-11 -
Description: Preliminary monthly estimates of farm income by groups of commodities. Includes income from farm marketings and the report on monthly receipts from the sale of principle farm products. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm assets, farm budgets, farm capital, and government payments Latest Release: Sep 23, 1974 Sep 23, 1974: Farm Income Situation Release datetime: Sep 23, 1974 -
Description: This publication was produced between 1942 and 1975 and reported on the costs associated with transporting, processing, distributing and marketing farm foods across the United States. Different costs for at-home and away-from home food purchases are included and other price spreads (such as farm-retail spread) for several topics important to farms and farm families are included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: food advertising, retail marketing, and transportation Latest Release: Aug 28, 1975 Aug 28, 1975: Marketing and Transportation Situation Release datetime: Aug 28, 1975 -
Description: This annual publication presents data on the number of farms in operation, total land acreage in farms, and average size (acreage) of farms for individual states and the U.S. Also included are data on the number of cattle, hogs, and sheep operations in the U.S. This publication was produced from 1964 to 1975. In 1976, the same data was covered in Farm Numbers. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm area, farms, grazing lands, and land management Latest Release: Dec 30, 1975 Dec 30, 1975: Number of Farms and Land in Farms Release datetime: Dec 30, 1975 -
Description: This publication was published from 1973 to 1976 and was formerly a supplement to the Agricultural Finance Review. It reported on data pertaining to, or related to, the financing of agriculture in the United States. Estimates of total farm real estate debt, commodity credit corporation loans and interest and money rates were also included. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agriculture, farm business debt, farm capital, insurance, and property insurance Latest Release: Jul 1, 1976 Jul 1, 1976: Agricultural Finance Statistics Release datetime: Jul 1, 1976Temporal coverage: 1960-01-01 - 1975-01-01 -
Description: This publication reports on the estimated taxes levied by State and local governments. Estimates were derived from a nationwide survey conducted in the spring and summer of 1976, with more then 37,000 farms sampled. Special assessments on improvements such as drainage, irrigation and weed control are excluded where possible. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: farm budgets, state government, and taxes Latest Release: Mar 11, 1977 Mar 11, 1977: Farm Real Estate Taxes Release datetime: Mar 11, 1977 -
Description: This publication documents various farm expenditures and income at both the household and business levels. Includes expenses and income, for both living and production, for farmers (farm operators) and their families. The releases cover data for 1910 to 1960, as well as between 1975 and 1977. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: agricultural machinery and equipment, farm budgets, farm capital, and farming systems Latest Release: Jul 1, 1978 Jul 1, 1978: Farm Expenditures and Income Farm Income StatisticsRelease datetime: Jul 1, 1978Temporal coverage: 1975-01-01 - 1977-12-31 -
ERS The Farm Index
Description: A monthly publication that offered readers news, projections, insight on agricultural events or policy changes, and other information important to people involved with the economics of agriculture. Price reports, consumer trends, rural education initiatives and shifts in the American lifestyle were reported. The Farm index was published from 1962 to 1979. In 1980, material previously covered in the Farm Index and the Agricultural Situation was combined under a new title, Farmline. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: economics Latest Release: Dec 13, 1979 Dec 13, 1979: The Farm Index Release datetime: Dec 13, 1979 -
Description: This publication, produced between 1971 and 1980, presented an overview of the chemicals, general use, production, prices, imports and exports of different types of fertilizers in the United States. Each release also included an outlook for the coming year for both national and foreign markets. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices and Agriculture Economics and Management:Farm Input and Expenditures Keyword: fertilizer analysis, fertilizer application, and production costs Latest Release: Dec 24, 1980 Dec 24, 1980: Fertilizer Situation Release datetime: Dec 24, 1980