World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates WAOB

This monthly report provides the current USDA forecasts of U.S. and world supply-use balances of major grains, soybeans and products, and cotton; and U.S. supply and use of sugar and livestock products. Historical WASDE Crop Estimates (Lotus Notes Formats through 1995). NOTE TO USERS Previously, corrections to the WASDE report were reposted to the OCE and Cornell’s MANN Library websites under the same file name. However, starting in January 2020, if the WASDE report is reposted to correct an error in the tables or text, the file name (for all four file formats) will be changed to reflect that there is a new version, and an errata statement will be included in the file and posted on the OCE website to describe the change. For example, the name of the December 2019 WASDE is “” If a revision were necessary, the corrected file would be posted as “” If another revision was necessary, the next file would be posted as “,”etc. NOTE: To subscribe to receive WASDE-related notifications by email or text message click on the link below: Historical WASDE Crop Estimates (Lotus Notes Formats through 1995) was updated in January 1995. Filter the date range in the releases below, or use this link: Click on the Details link icon for more information.

Frequency of Release:Monthly


Jul 12, 2024
Contact office name:World Agricultural Outlook Board