Producer Milk Components AMS

Description: The Producer Milk Components report is announced each month and includes Receipts of Producer Milk by Regulated Handlers, Butterfat Test, Nonfat Solids Test, Protein Test, Other Solids Test and Somatic Cell Count of Producer Milk. The report is based on all producers qualified for pooling on each of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders each month. Prior to October 2020, the following two reports were part of the Total Receipts of Producer Milk by Order report: Producer Milk Components by Order Producer Receipts by Order Report Synopsis: Receipts of Producer Milk by Regulated Handlers is the amount of producer milk in pounds that qualifies for pooling on each of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders each month. Each order has its own criteria that determines if a producer's milk is eligible to be pooled. Butterfat Test of Producer Milk is the average percentage of butterfat contained in the producer milk pooled each month. Nonfat Solids Test of Producer Milk is the average percentage of nonfat solids (all milk solids other than butterfat) contained in the producer milk pooled each month. Protein (True) Test of Producer Milk is the average percentage of protein (true) contained in the producer milk pooled each month. Other Solids Test of Producer Milk is the average percentage of other solids (other than butterfat and protein (true). Nonfat Solids, Protein and Other Solids Test Data are only reported for those Federal Milk Marketing Orders that utilize multiple component pricing. Somatic Cell Count of Producer Milk is the average number of somatic cells per milliliter contained in the producer milk reported for those orders who utilize somatic cell counts in their milk pricing formulas.
Division: Dairy Program

Frequency of Release:Daily


Jun 29, 2024
Contact office name:Agricultural Marketing Service