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NASS Peanut Prices
Description: This report is published weekly on Friday and includes the U.S. average price and marketings by type of peanut (Runner, Spanish, Valencia, and Virginia). The report also highlights averages and changes in peanut pricing for the week for farmer stock peanuts and runner-type peanuts. Data for this report is obtained from the first buyers of farmer stock peanuts. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Oil Crops Keyword: marketings, peanuts, prices, and trends Latest Release: Feb 7, 2025 Feb 7, 2025: Peanut Prices Release datetime: Feb 7, 2025 -
Description: This monthly release contains the stocks of peanuts, treated seed, and specified products (e.g. peanut butter, oil, cake and meal) at the end of the previous month, millings, utilization, and crushing. Also contained is production and disappearance data for milled products in the U.S. Data is organized by year, month, and type of peanut (Virginias and Valencias, Runners, Spanish), by production and stocks (crude oil or cake and meal), or by type of peanut product. Peanut stock data and proces... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Oil Crops and Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: crushings, millings, peanut butter, product grades, and roasting Latest Release: Jan 27, 2025 Jan 27, 2025: Peanut Stocks and Processing Release datetime: Jan 27, 2025 -
Description: This yearly report contains bearing acreage, yield, total production, utilized production, average price, and value of production estimates for the current and previous two seasons. All components are published for cherry equivalent basis, and quantity and average price for utilized production is included for parchment and green equivalent basis. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Specialty Crops and Crop Products Keyword: coffee beans, Hawaii, prices, production, and yield Latest Release: Jan 24, 2025 Jan 24, 2025: Coffee Release datetime: Jan 24, 2025 -
NASS Cost of Pollination
Description: This report includes current and previous year data on cost of pollination for tree fruit, melons, blueberries, vegetables, citrus, and other crops. Data is presented in a price per acre, colonies used, price per colony, and total value of pollination by class and type of fruit. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: costs, honey bees, insect pollination, and pollination Latest Release: Dec 13, 2024 Dec 13, 2024: Cost of Pollination Release datetime: Dec 13, 2024 -
NASS Citrus Fruits
Description: This full-text report contains the annual summary, by state and citrus fruit crop, of acreage, yield, production, utilization (fresh and processed), price, and value of the current year crop and revised previous two years' crop. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: acreage, citrus, prices, production, utilization, and yields Latest Release: Aug 29, 2024 Aug 29, 2024: Citrus Fruits Release datetime: Aug 29, 2024 -
Description: This release contains preliminary and annual summaries of acreage, yield, production, use, price and value by states of the noncitrus fruit and nut crop by state. Statistics provided in this report include fruit bearing acreage, yield, utilized and unutilized production, price, and value by crop, and prices received, and area harvested. Commentary on changes and estimations for the fruits and nuts discussed, as well as the start and end dates of marketing seasons for each crop are included in... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: commercial farms, marketing, prices, processed foods, production, and yields Latest Release: May 7, 2024 May 7, 2024: Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts Release datetime: May 7, 2024 -
Description: This annual report contains data concerning vegetable production, use, value, and pricing. Data for each commodity is presented on a national basis and on a state basis for major production/processing states. Also included is data concerning planted acreage, harvested acreage, and yield per acre. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses and Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: area, crop acreage, fresh market, fresh produce, and yields Latest Release: Feb 12, 2024 Feb 12, 2024: Vegetables Annual Summary Release datetime: Feb 12, 2024 -
NASS Floriculture Crops
Description: This annual full-text report presents data on floriculture crops including cut flowers, potted flowering plants, foliage plants, potted herbaceous perennials, annual bedding/garden plants, cut cultivated greens, propagative floriculture material and special Hawaiian crops. The data includes quantity sold, percent of sales at wholesale, wholesale price and value of sales at wholesale for 15 program states and growers having $100,000 or more in sales. Additionally, the number of growers, growin... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: floriculture crops, growers, prices, and sales Latest Release: May 25, 2022 May 25, 2022: Floriculture Crops Release datetime: May 25, 2022 -
Description: This publication presented the final marketing year average (MYA) prices received by farmers and the value of production for most U.S. field crops, fruits, and vegetables for years 1919 to 2012. Data included in this publication provide a historic record and a benchmark for current estimates. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Tobacco, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Specialty Crops and Crop Products Keyword: crop acreage, prices, and production Latest Release: Feb 6, 2019 Feb 6, 2019: Crop Values - Final Estimates Release datetime: Feb 6, 2019 -
NASS Vegetables
Description: This full-text report, issued 5 times a year, provides data on fresh market vegetables, strawberries and melons, including area harvested, prospective area, yield, and production, by season and crop for major States. Includes bell peppers; broccoli; cabbage; cantaloupe; carrots; cauliflower; celery; cucumbers; eggplant; escarole/endive; head lettuce; honeydews; snap beans; spinach; spring and summer onions; strawberries; spring season acres for harvest for asparagus; strawberries; summer non-... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: area, crop acreage, fresh market, fresh produce, and yields Latest Release: Aug 28, 2018 Aug 28, 2018: Vegetables Release datetime: Aug 28, 2018 -
NASS Cranberries
Description: This full-text annual report presents data on indicated cranberry production for the current year by states; includes acreage, yield, production, utilization, price, and value for previous two years' crops by states. It also provides a forecast of expectations from growers based on weather conditions and predictions. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: acreage, cranberries, prices, production, utilization, and yields Latest Release: Aug 10, 2017 Aug 10, 2017: Cranberries Release datetime: Aug 10, 2017 -
NASS Cherry Production
Description: This full-text report contains the mid-June production (pounds or tons) forecast for the annual crop of tart and sweet cherries, organized by producing state and U.S.. Includes commentary on projected forecasts based on weather conditions and other factors. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: agricultural forecasts, cherries, production, weather, and yields Latest Release: Jun 9, 2017 Jun 9, 2017: Cherry Production Release datetime: Jun 9, 2017 -
Description: These bulletins provide final and revised estimates of noncitrus fruits and nuts for yield, area planted, area harvested, yield, production, utilization, price, and value by States and the U.S. Individual issues contain data from years 1909 to 2012. Estimates are available in incremental 5-year periods and provide a historical record and benchmark for current estimates. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: apples, grapes, nuts, olives, peaches, and pears Latest Release: Oct 1, 2014 Oct 1, 2014: Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts - Final Estimates Release datetime: Oct 1, 2014Temporal coverage: 2007-01-01 - 2012-12-31 -
Description: This bulletin presents final estimates, including revisions made by the Agricultural Statistics Board (ASB), for the production of citrus fruit for years 1954 to 2012. This bulletin is produced every several years and reports bearing acreage, yield, utilized production, price, and value for citrus crops. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Retail and Market Prices, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: Citrus, oranges, prices, and production functions Latest Release: Aug 1, 2014 Aug 1, 2014: Citrus Fruits - Final Estimates Release datetime: Aug 1, 2014Temporal coverage: 2008-01-01 - 2012-12-31 -
Description: This release includes statistics for on-farm use of fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and pest management practices from producers of targeted vegetable crops in 19 states. The chemical use estimates focus on acreage treated with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and other pesticides for selected vegetable crops. Information for fruit is collected in odd numbered years, while vegetable information is collected in even numbered years. Beginning in May 2010, NASS agricultural chemical use... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: agrochemicals, herbicides, insecticides, pest management, and pesticides Latest Release: Dec 20, 2011 Dec 20, 2011: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Vegetables Release datetime: Dec 20, 2011 -
Description: This release includes pesticide use and pest management data for nursery and floriculture crops in California, Florida, Michigan, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Quantity and frequency of use, types of active ingredients applied, and application practices are included in the survey. Beginning in May 2010, NASS agricultural chemical use data are published to the Quick Stats 2.0 database only (full-text publications have been discontinued), the latest data releases are available under the NASS... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, floriculture, flowers, nursery crops, pest management, and pesticides Latest Release: Jan 19, 2011 Jan 19, 2011: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Nursery & Floriculture Release datetime: Jan 19, 2011 -
Description: This annual report provides statistical information pertaining to the on-farm use of restricted use pesticides. The agricultural chemical use estimates in this report are based on data compiled from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), Conservation Effects Assessment Project (CEAP), and the Vegetable Chemical Use Survey. The report data is grouped by Program States, and contains surveys of chemical application on cotton and apple crops. The data is summarized by product, and o... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: agrochemicals, pesticides, restricted use, and statistics Latest Release: May 21, 2008 May 21, 2008: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Restricted Use Release datetime: May 21, 2008 -
NASS Nursery Crops
Description: This report presents data on nursery crops including broadleaf evergreens, coniferous evergreens, deciduous shade trees, deciduous flowering trees, deciduous shrubs and other ornamentals, fruit and nut plants, cut and to be cut Christmas trees, transplants for commercial truck crop production, and propagation material or lining-out stock; data include number of producers, number of trees and plants sold, gross sales, percent of sales that were wholesale, number of trees and plants on hand, va... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: evergreens, inventories, nursery crops, ornamental plants, sales, and shrubs Latest Release: Sep 26, 2007 Sep 26, 2007: Nursery Crops Release datetime: Sep 26, 2007 -
Description: This handbook identifies the usual planting and harvesting dates for fresh market and processing vegetables as well as principal producing counties and major varieties for the vegetables covered in the National Agricultural Statistics Service's national program of crop estimates. It updates the information contained in the previous edition of this handbook issued 1977. The Field Offices of the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service compiled the basic information, prepared the estima... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: cropland harvested, harvest date, planting, planting date, and processed foods Latest Release: May 31, 2007 May 31, 2007: Usual Planting and Harvesting Dates for Fresh Market and Processing Vegetables Release datetime: May 31, 2007 -
Description: This handbook identifies the usual blooming, harvesting, and marketing dates as well as principal producing counties, producing acres, and major varieties for the fruits and tree nuts covered in the National Agricultural Statistics Service''s national program of crop estimates. It updates the information contained in the previous edition of this handbook issued December 1975.The Field Offices of the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service compiled the basic information, prepared the e... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: fruits, harvest date, marketing, nuts, and production area Latest Release: Dec 1, 2006 Dec 1, 2006: Fruit and Tree Nuts: Blooming, Harvesting, and Marketing Dates Release datetime: Dec 1, 2006 -
Description: This document provides revisions to the 2006 in-shell pecan inventories based on information from an incident in September 2006 in which it was reported that in-shell pecans were being double counted, as well as the addition of previously unreported inventories. The unreported inventory data was not available prior to the September 21, 2006 Cold Storage release. Therefore, the July and August 2006 inventory levels are revised from the original release of the September Cold Storage report. The... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: inventories, pecans, revisions, and storage Latest Release: Oct 4, 2006 Oct 4, 2006: In-Shell Pecan Cold Storage Updates Release datetime: Oct 4, 2006 -
NASS U.S. Wildlife Damage
Description: This report will show the total crop and livestock losses incurred by agricultural producers from wildlife damage. Economic losses will be divided into three categories: field crops; livestock and poultry; and vegetables, fruits and nuts. The reports will also show how much damage was caused by different wildlife species. U.S. Wildlife Damage is published every 5 years. Category: Agriculture Economics and Management:Safety and Injury, Crops and Crop Products:Nuts, Animals and Animal Products:Livestock, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crop damage, damages, economic costs, predation, and wildlife Latest Release: May 3, 2002 May 3, 2002: U.S. Wildlife Damage Release datetime: May 3, 2002 -
Description: This report contains the results of two independent surveys of growing and packing practices of fruits and vegetables. Growers were surveyed on field environment, agricultural water, organic fertilizers, harvest-field operations, harvest workers, and trace back systems. Packers were surveyed for information pertaining to packing workers, field packing, facility packing, and trace back systems. Almost all data in the report is presented in the form of percent of the total (grower or packer) po... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: agricultural structures and facilities, agrochemicals, farm labor, fertilizers, and growers Latest Release: Jun 13, 2001 Jun 13, 2001: Agricultural Chemical Usage - Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Practices Release datetime: Jun 13, 2001 -
Description: The Fruit Wildlife Damage report included information on the total dollar value lost from wildlife damage and the total expenditures on wildlife damage prevention for apples, blueberries and grapes in the seven major fruit producing states. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: apples, blueberries, grapes, trampling damage, and wildlife damage management Latest Release: May 26, 1999 May 26, 1999: Fruit Wildlife Damage Release datetime: May 26, 1999 -
Description: This publication reported on the production and utilization of citrus fruits for the U.S. and major states; acreage, yield, production and value of cotton crop for the U.S. and major states. In 1996, it ceased publication and the cotton and citrus production estimated began being included in the May 10, 1996 issue of the Crop Production report. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Cotton and Cottonseed and Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: Citrus, cotton, lemons, limes, and oranges Latest Release: Apr 10, 1996 Apr 10, 1996: Crop Production--Cotton/Citrus Release datetime: Apr 10, 1996 -
NASS Cherry Utilization
Description: This publication presents data on the production (in pounds or tons) that were forecast for the annual crop of tart and sweet cherries, by producing state and the U.S. Total produced and utilized as well as canned or frozen, are also noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: cherries, frozen fruit, and production functions Latest Release: Oct 3, 1986 Oct 3, 1986: Cherry Utilization Release datetime: Oct 3, 1986 -
NASS Cherries
Description: This full-text report contains the mid-June production (in either pounds or tons) forecast for the annual crop of tart and sweet cherries, by producing state and for the U.S. as a whole. This publication was produced between 1971 and 1983. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: cherries and production Latest Release: Jul 1, 1983 Jul 1, 1983: Cherries Release datetime: Jul 1, 1983 -
NASS Seed Crops
Description: Provides information about the production of seeds for common, hairy, and purple vetch; timothy; rye and orchard grass; lupine; potatoes; redtop; red, crimson, and sweet clover; fine and tall fescue; and Kentucky and Merion Kentucky bluegrass; and fruits and vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, chicory, corn, cucumbers, dill, eggplant, endive, kale, kohlrabi, leeks, lettuce, muskmelons, watermelons, mustard, okra, onions, parsley, parsnips, peas, p... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crop prices, crop yield, cropland harvested, hay, seeds, and vegetables Latest Release: Jan 12, 1982 Jan 12, 1982: Seed Crops Release datetime: Jan 12, 1982 -
NASS Commercial Apples
Description: This publication was produced from 1947 to 1982 and presents information on commercial apple production by variety and state. Weather effects on apple production and total apple production in the millions of pounds is included. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: apples, orchards, production, and varieties Latest Release: Aug 14, 1981 Aug 14, 1981: Commercial Apples Release datetime: Aug 14, 1981 -
Description: This publication provided annual summaries of the harvest, yield, production, price and value for selected seeds. Selected seeds include common, hairy, and purple vetch; timothy; rye and orchard grass; lupine; potatoes; redtop; red, crimson, and sweet clover; fine and tall fescue; and Kentucky and Merion Kentucky bluegrass; and fruits and vegetables such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, chicory, corn, cucumbers, dill, eggplant, endive, kale, kohlrabi, lee... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: oil crops and seeds Latest Release: May 22, 1981 May 22, 1981: Seed Crops: Annual Summary Release datetime: May 22, 1981 -
NASS Clingstone Peaches
Description: This publication presents information on the production of Clingstone peaches in California from 1978 to 1980. Trends in diseases, fruit size and tree conditions are also reported. Prior to this publication, the same information was presented in the Special Peach Forecast. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: California, fruits, peaches, and production functions Latest Release: Jun 26, 1980 Jun 26, 1980: Clingstone Peaches Release datetime: Jun 26, 1980 -
Description: This monthly publication presents information on the acreage, production and value for principal vegetables, including melons from 1955 to 1977. National estimates, as well as top producing states are noted. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crops, fresh market, production costs, and vegetable growing Latest Release: Jun 7, 1977 Jun 7, 1977: Vegetables - Fresh Market Release datetime: Jun 7, 1977 -
Description: Provides production and sales information for carnations, chrysanthemums, gladioli, roses, and other foliage plants. This annual report provides production and sales information, including value of sales, average prices, and area used for production, for carnations, chrysanthemums, gladioli, roses, and other foliage plants. The data published in this report is based on information provided by commercial floriculture producers in the included states. Both retail and wholesale quantities, pric... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: floriculture, prices, production, and sales Latest Release: Mar 1, 1977 Mar 1, 1977: Flowers and Foliage Plants Release datetime: Mar 1, 1977 -
NASS Fruits Noncitrus
Description: This publication provides information on the production, price, value, and utilization of noncitrus fruits such as apples, cranberries, avocados, dates, and olives. It was published between 1929 and 1973. In 1974, the publication was retitled and the information was presented in the newly titled publication Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Nuts and Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: apples, avocados, cranberries, fruits, and nuts Latest Release: Jul 2, 1973 Jul 2, 1973: Fruits Noncitrus Release datetime: Jul 2, 1973 -
NASS Tart Cherry Report
Description: This publication was produced from 1967 to 1970 and provides information about the production and utilization of sour and tart cherries in the U.S. The total crop per tonnes used for processing (canned, frozen, brined) is also included. From 1964-1966, the same information was presented in the Sour Cherry Report. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: cherries, fruits, production functions, and sales Latest Release: Jun 19, 1970 Jun 19, 1970: Tart Cherry Report Release datetime: Jun 19, 1970 -
Description: This publication provides information about the production of vegetables and melons for fresh market and processing operations. It includes information on artichokes, asparagus, lima beans, snap beans, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflowers, celery, sweet corn, cucumbers, eggplant, escarole, garlic, kale, lettuce, onions, green peas, green peppers, shallots, spinach, tomatoes, cantaloupes, honeydews, and watermelons. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: acreage, commercial horticulture, fresh market, vegetable crops, and vegetable growing Latest Release: May 1, 1968 May 1, 1968: Total Commercial Production of All Vegetables and Melons for Fresh Market and Processing Release datetime: May 1, 1968 -
NASS Bush Berries
Description: This publication presents information on the production of red raspberries, black raspberries, loganberries, boysenberries, youngberries, and currants. It also presents data on growing conditions, weather effects and harvested yield. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Production Practices Keyword: blackberries, raspberries, small fruits, strawberries, and yields Latest Release: Jun 23, 1967 Jun 23, 1967: Bush Berries Release datetime: Jun 23, 1967 -
Description: This special publication provides information about the freeze damage sustained by the southeast peach crop on March 17-18, 1967. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Weather Keyword: cold injury, cold tolerance, freezing point, and peaches Latest Release: Mar 21, 1967 Mar 21, 1967: Freeze Damage to Peach Crop in Southeast Release datetime: Mar 21, 1967 -
Description: This report provides information about Hurrican Inez, which struck on October 4th, 1966, and the damage sustained by Florida crops as a result. The report mainly covers Dade County where the storm primarily made landfall along the county, but damage sustained by crops in Pompano, Northwood, Ft. Myers-Immokalee, and the Everglades are also reported. The crops included in this report are avocados, limes, vegetables, tomatoes, pole beans, cucumber, okra, eggplant, beans, and peppers. Forecasts ... Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crop damage, Florida, fruits, hurricanes, and vegetables Latest Release: Oct 7, 1966 Oct 7, 1966: Florida Hurricane "Inez" Damage Report Release datetime: Oct 7, 1966 -
NASS Sour Cherry Report
Description: This publication presents information about the production of sour or tart cherries in the top producing states, with particular emphasis given to the 5 Great Lakes states. The percent processed and utilized are included. This publication presents data from 1964 and 1966 and was continued by the title Tart Cherry Report. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: agricultural forecasts, cherries, and seedling production Latest Release: Jun 21, 1966 Jun 21, 1966: Sour Cherry Report Release datetime: Jun 21, 1966 -
NASS Freeze Damage Report
Description: This special report provides information about crop damage that resulted from an extensive freeze across the midwestern, northeastern, and southeastern United States in May 1966. It includes information on the freeze's effect on apples, peaches, cherries, strawberries, potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Weather, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: cold tolerance, crop damage, and freeze-thaw cycles Latest Release: May 12, 1966 May 12, 1966: Freeze Damage Report Release datetime: May 12, 1966 -
Description: This special publication reports on the damage done to the citrus, avocado, vegetable, and sugar cane crops in Florida following Hurricane Cleo in 1964. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Sugar Crops, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, Agriculture Economics and Management:Weather, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: avocados, Citrus, hurricanes, sugarcane, vegetables, and weather Latest Release: Aug 28, 1964 Aug 28, 1964: Special Hurricane Damage Report: August 26-27, 1964 Release datetime: Aug 28, 1964 -
Description: This special report provides information about an extensive and damaging freeze that occurred in late March, 1964 and affected the peach crop in Alabama, Georgia, and North and South Carolina. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Agriculture Economics and Management:Weather Keyword: cold tolerance, crop damage, freeze-thaw cycles, and peaches Latest Release: Apr 1, 1964 Apr 1, 1964: Special Freeze Damage Report: March 29-31, 1964 Release datetime: Apr 1, 1964 -
Description: This publication presents prices received by farmers for fruit, by State. The 1959 release include data from years 1919 to 1956. The 1962 release revises some data in the 1959 publication, covering years 1944 to 1958. Fruits reported on include apples, pears, citrus fruits, and tree nuts. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Nuts and Crops and Crop Products:Fruits Keyword: albedo (citrus fruit), apples, nuts, and pears Latest Release: Sep 1, 1962 Sep 1, 1962: Prices Received by Farmers: Fruit Release datetime: Sep 1, 1962Temporal coverage: 1944-01-01 - 1958-12-31 -
Description: This publication presents the price of wholesale fresh fruits and vegetables by commodity, seasonal group, state, and month. This publication contains data from years 1954 to 1961. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: fruits, market economy, prices, and vegetable crops Latest Release: Jun 1, 1962 Jun 1, 1962: Fruit and Vegetable Prices Fresh Market Vegetable PricesRelease datetime: Jun 1, 1962Temporal coverage: 1954-01-01 - 1961-12-31 -
NASS General Crop Report
Description: This publication includes data on important crop varieties, such as grasses, grain stocks, vegetables and fruits. Included in the publication is data from 1936 to 1941 on harvest acreage, yield per acre and total production. Crop prospects due to temperatures, natural disasters or other calamities, as well as anticipated changes are reported. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Nuts, Crops and Crop Products:Grains and Oilseeds, Crops and Crop Products:Fruits, and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: crop acreage, crop damage, and pasture management Latest Release: Jun 10, 1941 Jun 10, 1941: General Crop Report Release datetime: Jun 10, 1941 -
Description: This bulletin presents the number of cars for fruit and vegetable shipments billed during the calendar years 1920 to 1936, from every station handling 10 or more cars in any one year. Data is reported by state, county, and shipping point, or by city, and some by state of origin. Category: Crops and Crop Products:Fruits and Crops and Crop Products:Vegetables and Pulses Keyword: automobiles, transportation, and transporting quality Latest Release: May 1, 1936 May 1, 1936: Carlot Shipments of Vegetables Statistics Carlot Shipments and Unloads of Nineteen Important Fruits and VegetablesRelease datetime: May 1, 1936Temporal coverage: 1933-01-01 - 1934-12-31